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Sunday, February 17, 2008

I've moved to
http://www.xanga.com/mishyen !

yeni posted at 10:36 PM • comment?

Friday, December 14, 2007

I'm gonna make some effort to revive this already dead blog.
Haha. I'm using lini's lappie now, so pardon whatever errors you can find to use against me. Cos whenever I hit Backspace, I end up going to the beginning of my line because Home is just beside Backspace. And I have no idea if my last sentence just made any sense. Haha.
So I've been rather occupied of late. But whats new right. I swear my break is whizzing past me. I've just done my visa and shite today and gotta go for my medical checkup soon-ish. Damn I can't believe I'm starting school on valentine's day. That really sucks. And I've still got so many things coming up. Ah yes,
unless you've been living under a rock, you'd know that I'm moving! From my curent t-junction house to High Oak Condo. Yep, the one just down the hill. So hill no more! The big shift would happen on monday (so no more sneakily using their gym!Ha!). And there'll be a YardSale on sunday. It's a walk-in kinda sale, so we just kinda place price tags on everything in the house; piano, clothings, shoes, bags, accesories, exercise equipment, books, CDs, chairs, tables, food, ornaments, golf clubs, TVs and whatnot. Oh and feel free to let me know if you wanna set up a stall. And do come and buy stuff! It'll be great fun!
And then it'll be some really messy unpacking and packing. Going to Vietnam, Hanoi next wednesday. And god, I can't believe I won't be in Singapore for Christmas. Oh well.

And, I'm sad (and a tad embarrassed) to say that..I quit my job.
Haha. Yea yea, after a week. But that's only because I requested to work part-time instead of full time and they decreased my pay. My already-meagre pay. So I had no choice but to decline their offer. So.. I'm back to meeting people I havent met in years and getting blisters all over my feet from dressing up everyday. Other than that, I'm staying up insane hours watching something or another. Haha. My mum caught Lini and I up at about 6am and gave us this really appalled look. Well, it seems that staying up all night re-watching Meteor Garden is a baaaad thing. Haha. Yep I know that F4 is wildly passe, but they were really adorable. And their story omg. Haha. I swear, these kinda shows really..send your imagination into overdrive. And of course, serve to pressurise men into being The Perfect Man. But it's really sweet okay! Though this time i remained resolutely dry-eyed (,what a letdown). I'm NOT gonna move on to Meteor Garden 2 cos I can't stand the thought of Michelle Saram(sp?but who cares) cosying up to Daoming Si.
And now I've moved on to youtube; the Victoria Secrets Fashion Show 2007. Damn I swear I'm so male. Hahaha. They're soooo sooooo sooooo sooooo hot (see my excitement has robbed me of my vocabulary). And you should go watch the Spice Girls performing on the show. Victoria Beckham has never looked... stranger. What with the shaking and singing. She's always been a bit of a..well, mannequin, hasn't she. Haha.
And i miss yewi! She's still away. In Thailand for the SEA games. Joey said he caught her on TV! Though it was about midnight? Strange timing huh. Pity I wasn't home to see. She'll be back on saturday night.
And damn I miss anna. She's been gone soooo long.
Anyways, no photos till yewi's back since she'd TOOK MY CAMERA.
Haha. I would post photos of my current house man. It's a fucking warzone I tell you. I can hardly see ANY floor in my room, perhaps glimpses of brown. Hahaha. And everything is falling apart here man. My cupboard door fell off. And the shower curtains kinda..came off. Haha. And now I've gotta bathe in the dark cos the bulb blew and my dad refuses to change it. "moving house already what, so no need to change la", I quote. SIGH. The poor people who are moving in. They don't know what they're in for. At this rate, I wouldn't even raise an eyebrow if my room door flew off the hinges.
Anyway, I speak too much. I can't believe it's full of words again. Haha.
So i'm off. Ah yea, in case I haven't got your email and you haven't received my email. I'll be leaving on the 11th of feb (just got confirmation a few days back), so do contact me for a meet up soon-ish? Im all booked up so it might have to wait till jan. (Everyone wants a piece of me. HAHAHA, I KID) But i do wanna meet as many long-lost friends/neighbours/ lovers(hahaha)/people in general as possible. And omg i wanna go to sentosa for some volleyball! Haha. So if I haven't texted you, take some initiative k! I probably really wanna see you but lost your number. (hahaha, if it's for any other reasons, I doubt you'd really wanna know anyway.) So anyways, I'm gonna catch some sleep.
But please do remember to
It'll be tons of fun and there'll be something for everyone!
Just cross your fingers that it won't rain.

yeni posted at 3:02 AM • comment?

Monday, December 10, 2007

I feel so many emotions I don't really know how to put them into proper words. I can't even count the number of times i've deleted my second paragraph. Haha..
Okay. It's just that I feel so incredibly cheated.
Alright that's all there is to it. I can't bring myself to discuss it further.
It's so embarrassing and silly the thought of someone else knowing about it hurts me.
Actually, to be honest, the thought of it hurts me.
Well okay, you hurt me, period.
K I'm done. I need to sleep.
(Never ever ask me about this)

yeni posted at 2:11 AM • comment?

Friday, November 30, 2007

Gotta get to bed in about two minutes.
So everything will be short and sweet.
I got a job!
Haha. No life again.
Needa work saturdays too.
I have to constantly think of the income.
And town will be like, my second home.
The best news yet.

P.S. I love you by Cecelia Ahern will be out in theatres soon!
Gives me the chills just thinking about it.

yeni posted at 12:38 AM • comment?

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Damn, it seems like I haven't updated in about seven thousand two hundred and sixty four days huh. Well, at least there'll be photos this time! Haha.
O levels, now a thing of the past. Alright, almost. I can only say that after I get my results. But now, at least I get the pleasure of gloating while joey does Amath. Haha, evil.
So.. After O's, of course I went shopping. With my BFF anna, who's now in HK. Bleh, miss her to bits. Had class chalet, which was a success (thanks dawn!). Initially, the turn out was miserable, abt 6 people. I wasnt there yet. But more people turned up and abt 10+ stayed over. No room to slp man. Haha. But t'was good fun. We wanted to watch the sunrise, but I guess..sleep was way too tempting.
Went to Zouk; alot of drama i shall not relive. Ugly.
Mhm, watched Yewi perform at TP. She's headed for Thailand soon for the SEA Games for cheer. Lucky shite.
Went for a (TERRIBLE) haircut with megs. I swore, i'd wait for everything to grow out before I go public. But well, then I'd have to wait till Feb or smth. But i was so upset I thought I'd cry.
Haha, then Lini came home. Laughed at my hair. Haha, stupid biatch.
And it was time for Thailand! No boys. Pure shopping bliss, 5days of shopping. It was sososo fun! I never thought I'd get tired of shopping. And none of us admitted, but I think we were kinda worn out from walking so much. You get to see photos below, don't worry. Haha. It was a lot of eating too. ALOT. I swear, I've got like 3kg of mango sticky rice in me now. Okok, I'll let the photos do the talking.

Had a 6:15pm flight. I had many great plans to buy duty-free cosmetics at the airport. Imagine my horror when I reached the budget terminal to find ONE measly cosmetics shop. Guess cosmetics will have to wait till my Vietnam trip; Budget terminal no more! Haha.Reached Thailand about 7plus (Thai time). Took a cab to a hotel called Lefenix. Fairly swanky, and only 6-months old. And had dinner at a restaurant called Chili Culture. Good good good food.
Lini setting reminders on my phone on the way to the airport. On my uncle's handy van.
Lefenix's lobby.

Gotta love her shoes; and pose; and photographer's (yours truly) creative angle.

At Chili Culture. Omg all the yummy yummy food. Pineapple rice was so good! Though we tried some drink called.. Matum juice? It tasted like aromatherapy oil. And the mango sticky rice there is a MUST-try.
We wanted to try out the Thai MRT, you know. Try to live the Thai life take public transport kinda thing. But it was apparently too far to walk to the nearest station (a lie!) so we took a tuktuk. The driver(?) was so cute. We wanted to go to the shopping district (MBK, Siam Square, Siam Paragon, Siam Centre), and told him to send us to the nearest MRT station. So he said, 'okay, 30 Baht'. And we agreed. However, on the way there, he stopped his tuktuk and made us an offer. He said, 'I bring you to the shopping district free of charge, but you have to go to this jewellery store. Becos if i bring you there in my tuktuk, i get one litre of oil. If you buy smth there, i get 5 litres. okay?' And after much contemplation, we agreed. And my mum bought a bracelet there. So he got his 5 liters. Good deal huh?
So we went to Siam Square (like Bugis sorta) to shop. Alot of haggling omg. We were like, Bargain Bitches. And my mum really rocks at it. There're techniques too you know. Haha. It's great fun to watch. Though lini and i weren't very fast learners. Haha. We kinda sucked at it too. Picture this.
Lini(whispers) : Yeni, i like that jacket. Isit nice?
Yeni : Try it on la. How much? (i ask the lady)
Lady : 750 Baht.
Yeni : (mimick my mum) NNNnnnOOOOOooooo!! (looks completely appalled). 400 Baht.
Lady : Noo, cannot miss.
Lini(with jacket on her) : Isit nice?
Yeni : Erm, not really. Don't buy it.
Lini : Okay.
We walk out of the shop.
Lady grabs Lini's arm.
Lady : Okok, i give you 500 Baht.
Lini looks at me
Yeni(whispers to her) : Okay I'll just say something so low she reject and we walk out.
So i said
Yeni : No. 300 Baht.
Lady : Ah okay okay.
Yeni&Lini (mutters) : SHIT.
Yeni : Okay, I'll ask my mum.
We walk out and burst into laughter.
Hahaha. We suck so bad. But we bought alot of stuff actually. MmmMm. Had lunch at a place called Krocs. Had a mani-pedicure. Bought more stuff. We succumbed and went back to Chili Culture for dinner since the food was too damn good. Haha. Then headed back to the hotel.

On the tuktuk.

Our edible flower display at Krocs. Hahaha. Thai people eat alot of vege btw. Cos their fruit and veg's so damn good. And yes, i have to say. I'm sick of them skinny-heel-wearing thai girls. Gosh. They're everywhere.

Lethal stuff. Makes me cry.

Ooh yes. Our very cutesy pink taxi! We took one every day. Very fated with it, it seems. Haha.

Staircase shot at Lefenix.

Chili Culture again! With my chicken-cashew salad and Aloha rice.
Had a massage and facial. I was totally gone i tell you. Knocked out for both the massage and facial. Though during the massage I was a tad shocked when she lifted the towel off my butt. I was butt naked man. Though it was good, erm, butt massage. And boob massage. Haha. Okay I should stop right about here. Then we went to chinatown! Where we had bird's nest and street food. Then we went to the wholesale market, which was a bitter disappointment. And then we went to a shopping mall! And bought a whole load of things again.

Yeni and yewi. The bowl of bird's nest kinda got cut off. And I look so..raw. Haha. After the facial.

Ooo yes my favourite hotel. Millenium hotel, or isit millenium. Bah! We were sorta cam-whoring at the conservatory. That's yewi and her new toy. It says Lovely but we named it Smelly cos that's what ot'll be in about 4 years time.

Mum and Lini.

Yewi, small as a..I duno what.

At the pool side!

Credits to Lini. Though I still look fat. Zomg, the 3kg of mango rice. Haha.

How could we miss out the jumping pose ya. Haha.
Our daily battle with the sun. Our best friend, Sunscreen.
Okay actually the last few shots of day3 belonged to day4 but I put it in day3 since it was at the Millenium. We checked into the Hilton early morning day4 though we cam-whored in both hotels. Haha.
After cam-whoring, we went to Chatuchuk Market, by MRT. Haha. It's actually quite convenient and not as scary as my mum made it out to be. What with pickpockets and missing our station and all. Hahaha. I think I was holding my bag to tightly, everybody probably thought I was a terrorist. So..Chatuchuk Market was so insanely hot I swear I melted. Ah and everybody was kinda grumpy and there wasnt much to buy. So we went to shop at MBK/Siam Square area again. And again, we bought alot of stuff. Ah, and how could I leave this out. We went to the red-light district! See the skanks, we say. Haha, so mean. We (I) were (was) so excited! Haha. It was only 8pm actually, so it wasn't too dangerous or anything yet. Though my mum was very angry that I wore 'so little cloth'. A spaghetti. Haha.
You get plenty of variety there too. Fat thin, tall short, dark fair, long hair short hair, female (fe)male. Hahaha. They were decked out in bikinis/lingerie/not-much-at-all, pole-dancing. The front-door's usually left open to entice. Haha. There was this incredible decent-looking, okay nerdy, caucasian. What with the glasses and checked shirt tucked in. This pimp was saying to him:
"I've got a young one for you. She got long legs."
If I were the caucasian, my next question would be:
"was she a man?"
Haha. Then we headed back to the hotel for the jacuzzi and sauna. My mum was like, "must you wear a bikini here in thailand, it's dangerous". So imagine her mortification when we saw two russian woman, stark naked. Haha. It was..well, quite a sight. My mum's face was rather blank actually. And I actually felt like I had too much cloth on me. Yep, even with a bikini. Haha. We tried to speak to the girls and they were so cute. Haha. And they couldnt be more comfortable with their bodies. Though I'm sure I caught one of them looking at my cleavage and going 'mmhm. what small boobies.' Hahaha. Theirs were..well. They were very, very very, well-endowed. Haha. Went back to the hotel room to soak in the bathtub somemore and slept early.
Yewi on the very nice thick sheets at the Hilton.
(Skinny) poseur.
Cam-whoring session commenced yet again.

At the large glass window.
Half the view.

Thailand MRT.

Toilet photo. Another classic. Hahaha.
Got up early early early at 5:30am. Queued up forever at the airport. It just screamed INEFFICIENT. Had our last thai meal at the airport. And lulled around abit at the shops. And it seems that we're always late for flights no matter how early we get to the airport. We actually had to run cos we almost missed the final call. Haha, very very embarrassing stuff. Everybody staring at us while we scurried to our seats. The same thing happened on our flight back from Melbourne last year. LAST to board, again. Haha.
After the flight (I HATE FLIGHTS, you know), we went over to my grandma's place to visit since it was on the way and we had a free ride from our uncle. Then it was home sweet home.
Just this one picture we took out of utmost boredom while queueing.

All in all, the thailand trip was awesome. I'd do it again, anytime. Malaysia this weekend! I can hardly wait.
And today was spent looking for a job. After a number of rather nasty hang-ups..
Me: Hi, I'm calling to enquire about the ad you placed in Classified.
Man: Ah, how old are you?
Me: I'm 16, I'm currently waiting for my O level results.
Man: sorry cannot #JH b^ag$nlk(*!jbf9231u thanksforcallingthanksbyebye.
Dialtone. Yep, i couldnt even hear why he rejected me.
And another weirdo guy
Me: Hi, I'm calling to enquire about the ad you placed in Classified.
Man: Hello?
Me: yes Hi?
Me: Hello?
Man: Ya?
Me: I'm calling about the ad you put in the newspaper?
Man: Ah ya?
Me: Yes. Are you still hiring?
Man: Ya.
Me: O k a y. Well, do you hire students?
Man: Ah, no.
Me: Okay thanks then. Bye.
Man: Huh?
Me: Erm, I'm a student so I can't work for you.
Man: Huh?
Me: Well, I can't work for you becos I'm a student.
Man: Orh okay.
Me: Yeahh,so thank you. Bye bye.
Man: Huh. oh okay.
Me: yep bye.
Man: Bye.
I'll bet he did that on purpose. I was slowly losing the will to live. I could have killed him man.
But it's all good. I've got a few interviews lined up for tomorrow.
So, since it's almost 3:30am, I shld probably get to bed now. Though i ache so bad from all the exercise i've been doing. Gotta work off the mango rice you know. Haha.

yeni posted at 11:17 PM • comment?

Saturday, November 17, 2007

I caved in, when I shouldn't. I need to find what I lost.
You know,
I really feel like updating because everybody's been updating about their post o lvl activities, with photos and all that. But I'm too lazy to upload my photos. And sick of just seeing a chunk of words on my blog. So I won't.
And my feet hurts so bad.
K I sound so cranky.
I need sleep.
But I'm so tired of trying to sleep man.

yeni posted at 12:14 AM • comment?

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

I am (unofficially)done with O's. But whateverrrr. Haha. Just two more paper 1s left to go, and I'm as free as a bird. Though that's not to say that I'm not already feeling free. Haha.

So far, this week has been really terrible. I've probably only gotten about 6 hours of sleep the past two days? I always always cram lit last minute, and I swear, I will never ever do that again. Haha, if I still take lit in the future.

Goverance didn't come out for ss, which was a Huge shocker. Venice came out, which was mad cause next to nobody studied it. Guess ET was right. And nobody seems to like population. So quite a number of people were stuck. Ah wells, I'm just glad I studied for KBE. I was rather bummed that governance didn't come out but I should really just shut up and be thankful.

Biology was ridiculous. I wasted to much time studying human reproduction, plant reproduction, the eye, skin, digestion, microorganism and whatnot. All the big stuff. All for nothing. Bleh.

And lit paper one was fine. I doubt I came up with a 25/25 essay or anything that spectacular. But it was quite good compared to paper 2. I swear the questions were so gross. All the supposedly 'no-content' poems came out. So stupid. I studied my war poems and nature poems for nothing! AHH. And you know how much I just adore nature poems..

But no matter. No use crying over spilled milk. I'm just glad all my major papers are done. But i will NOT start slacking away. Once I start, i'd never ever be able to get back to study mode. I'll just sleep alot the next few days. Ha, sleep bio sleep chem sleep eat. Sounds good.

And all the best to all MEP and full geog girls for tmr! Well and to my linsypoop! You'll do good yea. Just 14days more to home sweet home! and 15 days to crazy (cost-free) shopping! Haha. Absolute heaven.

K i'm going to savour my chance to be bored, stare at the ceiling and do absolutely nothing. I'll sleep without the fear of oversleeping for my O level exams. I wouldn't have to set the alarm clock and worry about not completing my study plans for the day. Ahh, what bliss. I gotta go find some decent books to read too. I can't remember to last book I read. How sad is that. And I think the last movie I watched was..Hairspray (which was excruciating). Haha. But geek no more!

Btw, I found the Noose and that 80s rewind show kinda cute. Haha. Even Maggie and mee was quite bearable. And damn, I have the biggest crush of fiona xie. she's so hot. And eva longoria. Ah gotta go get Desperate Housewives season 4. Cos you see, I'm not usually a fan of local sitcoms. Like PCK, my Sassy Neighbour and..Living with Lydia? It's painful to watch. Actually, even Mr Bean is hard to watch. But yeah, the recent shows are quite nice. Okay with the exception of "Deal or no Deal'. Haha, 'meal or no meal'. If you watched the Noose, you would know what I'm talking about. Damn I shouldnt't know all these stupid shows. I'm too big a teevee-face for my own good. Haha. And I don't even have cable. If I get cable, i probably wouldn't even step outta my house man. Haha.

And you know what.
I am actually, suddenly extremely annoyed right now. Though i am aware that I have absolutely no right to be and shouldn't be, I still am.(Was that ambiguous enough for you?) And the fact that I am annoyed annoys me even more. God have you heard of anything less spastic? I probably just need some sleep. Though I shouldn't go for my 30hour marathon now, God forbid. Maybe half of that would do.


yeni posted at 2:05 AM • comment?