Friday, September 14, 2007
OKAY. Finally, a decent update in god knows how long. There'll actually be photos this time, albeit not many. So..
I'll just run you through some.. They aren't really pretty though. I told you prelims were a total B i t c h didn't i?
Shopping trip with Anna.
And, you know our mandatory 'cam-whore-on-public-transport' session.
Haha. Now i just have to refrain from announcing how fat i think i look.

I realised that I'm a legs person.
Anna's said, ' I wonder when you'll ever stop telling me that so-and-so's legs are hot'. Haha. I often check out legs, more females than males actually. Heh.
Guess which pair's mine?
Hint: Anna has sexy pins.
Oh and i bought a white dress that day, or at least i think it was that day. I've bought so many things of late I sorta lost count. And that's supposed to be a good thing. Haha.

I came home to DONUTS. Okay so I'm not much of a donut fan but I was absolutely starving. I didn't have anything to eat that day since you know..Eating on 'Shopping day' is strictly verboten unless you want to deprive yourself of the illusion that you're thin. Haha. Well, also, I didn't eat cos I only had 45cents with me left after busting 200bucks on shopping. Shame on me. Heh.
But moving on..

Really pretty donuts huh.

And This is after I rather savagely attacked them.
Then I worked off the guilt by well, playing with Yewi. And that sounds sorta kinky. Haha.
Dont't judge me alright. This is what you get having a gymnast as a spoilt little sister. And of course, also the fruits of being thegiving, spontaneous, fun-loving older sister.
And so.

The beginning stages.

Yewi's "Superman Aeroplane". And I swear, she was the one who came up with that name.
I'm just a passive player.

Attempting another stunt. But it's not quite, right yet. And she looks kinda constipated, doesnt she?

Complete with the Adam Sandler face and lameass hair. Priceless.
Hahahaha. I'm so sorry I couldn't cut off her knickers man. Else you wouldn't be able to see her pretty pointed toes. Their second appearance now. At least they aren't granny panties k.
[edit] Had to cut out knickers. Yewi had a fit. This is a pleasant change isn't it? haha.
Oh and this is my one and only decent photo for Founder's night. And if you're wondering, that's because the dumbass here forgot to charge her camera. I'll go steal a few photos from Lydia and Anna soon.
Spare me a moment to be narcissistic. But the photos just really bellow
C-A-M W-H-O-R-E !

I will shall not comment on the penultimate photo because it is rude and obnoxious. Haha. But the last one's so pretty! It's got a...Special quality about it. Though the word '
grouchy' might also fit the fill quite nicely.
Taken by
yours truly.Done with photos for now.
I've been receiving bits and pieces of my results. But the bulk of it would be received on Monday. Oh the nerves I tell you.
I've been strangely, annoyingly jolly of late.
That's meant to be a good thing.
Gonna resume to intensive studying again. O's are in, a little bit more than a month. And then i've got so many plans I'd probably be hardly able to breathe. Fantastic. Can't wait for O's to be over.
And so I won't be updating in awhile. But what's new right? I'm probably annoying all of you since every time you come to my blog, you see 'i paraphrase' and go somewhere else. Haha. But yea, I doubt i'd be updating that often. Probably only the whiny, bratty, 'studying sucks you dry' sort of posts. Heh. You'll get used to it.
Meanwhile, I'll just resume to my quiet, boring nerd-mode. (I'm so used to being abused with these hurtful terms. I've got brutal friends.)
So till then...And on a completely random note, go listen to that stupid Lipgloss song. It's got an ability to be annoying and hilarious at the same time. And the lyrics, dammit. Cracks me up everytime I hear it on radio. Not proud of it, I swear, it's a lame one -off.
Yes and if you can, do NOT watch Hairspray. It was an excruciating experience.
Oh, I know you don't read my blog. But still, I insist.
Parents hollering.
Dinner time! :)
yeni posted at 3:25 PM â¢