Sunday, June 24, 2007
school starts tomorrow. or more accurately, in abt 6hours time. strangely, i haven't got the usual feeling of dread in the pit of my stomach. we-ll, of course i have undone homework. but it's chinese. so.. let's not go there.
so anna and i indulged in some retail therapy yesterday. we shopped for a grand total of 10 hours.
non-stop. yep, not even a toilet break. impressive or what. hahaha. and am i glad that i didn't wear heels. because the MNG sale was completely INSANE. really, it was a freaking madhouse in there. and we joined in! reminded me of that
Great Singapore Sale advert with the two women putting on rugby gear to fend off the expected mayhem. smart move too.hahaha. it was incredibly packed and noisy and
uncivillised. there were women everydamnwhere. clothes were all over the place. there wasnt only a queue for the fitting rooms, but there was a queue for the freaking mirror alright. seriously, people were fighting for the mirrors OUTSIDE the fitting room. they were trying on their stuff there. like. 'choping' the mirror and 'lap'ing their clothes over.
'choping' like reserving.
'lap'ing like throwing over the clothes over what they're wearing.
auntie, but i did it too. heh heh. yes, there was a time when my mum told me to just 'lap' it over. and i thought it was so
distasteful. but seeing as the queue for the fitting room was to the cashier and back, i didn't have much of a choice. i had about ten pieces, and i was only allowed five pieces. so i decided to choose what i could try on in front of the mirror. so yeap, i 'lap'ed it on and eliminated. then anna and i queued for abt half an hour or so.
crazy shizz.
that's about half the line. i was bored waiting. and i actually got a bruise from a lady who kneed me. i won't rule out that it was intentional alright. but it was a battlefield out there. vicious lot all of them women.
then from orchard we headed to vivo city and finally found our dresses there.
we didn't have much time or energy to cam whore during that whole time. we were constantly like, 'okay where to now?' and all that. it's was so fun. she's the bestest shopping partner man. okay next to lini dearest. hahaha. but anna and i had to limit ourselves not to buy anything till 7pm. so as to lower the chances of regretting our buys after seeing something better and cheaper. haha.
this one's after getting our dresses. think it's the only decent one? hahaha. in which i don't look sick or ugly next to anna. damn why am i not photogenic. or rather, why do i mix with too photogenic people. coughlinicough.
and anna's coolio could i forget. i can't believe i didn't make the connection. alright anna and i have got to keep it to ourselves. but yeah. let's just say i was really tired and didn't notice her shoes till she told me. and so exhausted we both made the SAME calculation error.
3.50 + 7.90 = 11.12??
heh heh. what were we thinking. probably weren't..
got home exhausted, aching and starving. but extremely satisfied. i'm actually aching k. but it's okay. cause' this'll probably be the last shopping trip in awhile. a pity since i still want sooo many things. k since when do i not. heh heh.
and today. plenty of people came to view the house. moving to a new place soon. god i can't wait. i just need a bustop outside the place and i'll be satisfied. maybe then i'll stop being late all the time. heh heh. my only requirement. and of course not to be living at the top of a hill again. oh and hopefully a gym. heh heh. okay i need to stop and go to bed now.
so, to all you school-going people. i share your joy.
haha. good night.
P.S. where are you siew suet lin. linsypoop.
yeni posted at 11:11 PM â¢
Friday, June 22, 2007
allow me to indulge in random comments today.
got three chinese essays due on monday.
and a screwed up webcam.
plus annoying pop-ups.
up for some serious retail therapy tmr.
long overdue.
expect an image-heavy post.
and i like watching Ghost Whisperer.
yeni misses lil miss dramamama who's been MIA.
come online you beeeyatch.
you know who you are.
oh teenage angst.
yeni posted at 11:36 PM â¢
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
i ended up watching Pokemon.
with yewi.
k please, don't ask further.
and yes, i was up early enough.
and yewi had the remote control.
so yes, i was tuned in to kids central.
so anyway, i was just wondering.
what happened to Misty?
cos' you know, i always thought it was Ash, Misty and Brook.
in her place is some girl called May.
and another little kid, May's brother, some smarty pants.
so why did Misty go, and how?
did she get married or something?
ah. and does anyone notice?
that in all these cartoon thingies,
the girls all have, ample assets.
why why why? that ain't an accurate.
what happened to the unfortunate flat girls?
why are they deprived of screen time huh?
yeni posted at 11:14 PM â¢
Monday, June 18, 2007
let's just say that i am incredibly disheartened doing my math booklet. i'm just gonna do some chinese and chemistry and try to feel abit smarter. argh. the thing is, i don't hate math. i actually like doing it when i actually know what i'm doing. but when i'm up to my neck in frustration, then i wish amath didn't exist. i'm fickle like that. haha.
so, just for a laugh, i decided to put up weird quotes i've heard just to show you how weird the people i mix with are. heh heh.
try to identify.
(sombre mood)
Person A: so where do you study?
Lini: oh i just finished my first year at Melbourne uni.
Person A: oh, where is that? i haven't heard of it before.
(still perfectly straight-faced, mind you.)
Lini: (trying to contain laughter) oh the university of Melbourne. in Australia.
Person A: oh right ya ya.
Yeni: i bet you don't know who hilary clinton is.
XX: duh. she's a singer la!
Yeni: HAHAHA. then hilary duff? the president's wife?
A: yeni what's tangent?
B: (looks at A critically) smelly la. idiot.
Yeni: that's pungent. IDIOT.
yeni: i know a job you can try out for!
ABC: what? how's the pay?
yeni: it's about 6bucks an hour. wanna?
ABC: what job is it?
yeni: pumping petrol for MRTs. you want? and it's not even smelly.
ABC: serious? okay la! i don't mind!
yeni: erm, you really don't get it?
yeni: so how was thailand?
XY: saw alot of trannys la. and gays! damn cool.
yeni: anny hit on you?
XY: ha ha. ask you smth ah. if a straight man became a transexual, so he/she/it's a, female with male needs, is he/she/it considered a lesbian?
yeni: yeah keep torturing yourself.
XYZ: yeni, when chickens lay eggs, is it like pooping or giving birth to them?
strange people no?
and goodness. it's almost 8am.
now i just need to get through today
so i can resume my normal sleeping habits.
yeni posted at 2:39 AM â¢
Saturday, June 16, 2007

Create your own Friend Test here
yeni posted at 1:01 AM â¢
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
let's attempt to revive this blog of mine.
k i'll explain what's kept me so busy yes.
let's do this in point form:
- mids. gah! don't even get me started on my results. incredibly disheartening.
- shopping. haha. couldn't get much done due to financial constraints. heh, can we say 'as usual'.
- haircut! haha. i love it! it's short and i can sleep however i want without worrying about messing it up! i've been gettin mostly nice comments, though i've had two 'makes you look like a barbie doll'. compliment or insult i wonder.
- my sweet sweet sixteen. haha. i'll give a proper update when i've gotten all my presents. yes i'm 'tsktsk'ing you, yes you. where's my gift? HAHA.
- watching desperate houseswives season 1. haha. it's extremely addictive really. wanna kill whoever gave it to me though. messing up my sleeping hours. heh heh.
oh i've gotta thank people! yes. let's try to remember who remembered my birthday.
of course
mr julian sng <3
jase <3
lydia <3
melli <3
megs <3
sammie <3
mum & dad
mr choo
damn i hope i didn't miss anyone out.
but guys really made my day special.
i was queen of the day!
y'know of late, every time i log on, i get sooo distracted by other things/people. but no more! i'm gonna try to settle into a routine. preferably a routine that involves regular runs, revisions and updates. haha.
so. now that i've got the updating part done (ah expect photos soon).
solely for the benefit of those who care abt what i'm doing in tiny teeny boring ol Sg. aww..
let's move on to something more amusing.
erm. in the next post.
i promise.
yeni posted at 12:27 AM â¢