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Saturday, May 26, 2007

Have you ever wondered..

1) Why we press harder on a remote control when we know the batteries are flat?

2) Why does someone believe you when you say there are four billion stars, but check when you say the paint is wet?

3) Why doesn't Tarzan have a beard?

4) Whose idea was it to put an "S" in the word "lisp"?

5) If it's true that we are here to help others, what are the others doing here?

6) Do married people live longer than single ones or does it only seem longer?

7) Who was the first person to look at a cow and say, "I think I'll squeeze these pink dangly things here, and drink whatever comes out?"

8) Who was the first person to say, "See that chicken there... I'm gonna eat the next thing that comes outta it's bum."

9) Why do toasters always have a setting so high that could burn the toast to a horrible crisp, which no decent human being would eat?

10) Why do people point to their wrist when asking for the time, but don't point to their bum when they ask where the bathroom is?

11)If quizzes are quizzical, what are tests? (This one kills me !!!!)

12) If corn oil is made from corn, and vegetable oil is made from vegetables,then what is baby oil made from ?

13) Why do the Alphabet song and Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star have the same tune?

Stop singing and read on

14) Does pushing the elevator button more than once make it arrive faster?


Three interesting new words:

Brouhaha [brOO hA hA] (i'm not trying to be ah lian-ish, i promise) : a hubbub. an uproar. hullabaloo.
The brouhaha followed disclosures of graft at City Hall.

Misogynistic [me soj uh nee is tick] : hatred or dislike for women; prejudice against women.
Certain religions or cultures have misogynistic qualities.

Gauche [gosh] : lacking social grace, sensitivity, or acuteness ; awkward
Their exquisite manners always make me feel gauche.

cool huh.

with that,
good night sweetums.

yeni posted at 6:49 PM • comment?

Friday, May 25, 2007

men grow cold
as girls grow old
we all lose our charms
in the end.
i need.. something.
but i can't quite place it.

yeni posted at 10:58 PM • comment?

Thursday, May 24, 2007

At the risk of sounding absolutely loco..
I think i broke my little toe.

wadja know.
It rhymes!

but really,
i was wearing slippers and i walked into a runaway brick on the floor.
Hurt like hell.

Anyway, my blog's been looking so drab.
I'll put on some photos soon.
And when i get inspiration, i'll put up a list.

And for all those having Chinese O's on the 28th,
During the weekend, just
read chinese
speak chinese
listen to chinese
study chinese
eat chinese
breathe chinese

Then you'll be fine.

And all those having exams in a bit,
namely whoever's in Aust,
all the way!
You'll feel so depressed and busy and tired and fat and ugly and unhealthy.
But it's okay, it's part and parcel of life honey.
You'll get your life back in no time.

Haha, i'm so comforting.

But still, study hard anyway.

yeni posted at 11:21 PM • comment?
Let's try most exasperating day ever.

Excuse me but please do pardon me.
Skip the damn paragraph if whiney brats annoy you cause i'm about to do just that:
Be a whiney brat.

Maybe it's cause i've either got a stuffed or a runny nose 95% of the time.
Or maybe cause I had to do a chinese composition at 8am in the morning.
Or maybe cause i had to wait for two hours before my EZ-Link card got fixed cause my card expired for no reason and they charged me adult fare for about two weeks and even after waiting i still didnt get my refund cause it had to be within 5 working days. (i have no idea if you understood that cause my sentence was way too long. but i'm past caring about the accuracy of my language now.)
Or maybe cause my dad left for m'sia without saying bye to me and i miss him alot.
Or maybe cause i barely had three hours of sleep cause i couldnt sleep.
Or maybe cause my laptop conked out on me twice before i could come on here to rant.
Or maybe cause today (especially) I lacked adequate spatial judgement which resulted in a lot of (unnecessary) bruises (three?).
Or maybe cause there's this noisy beetle flying around my room blindly and annoying (/scaring) the crap outta me.

But suddenly, everything and everyone seems to be annoying me.
I swear i'm not pre-menstrual.
And there seems to be a tad too many things on my mind.

I'll be a little bit incoherent.
After all, I haven't written gobbledygook in awhile.( blog address you inobservant one)

You know how you sometimes wanna do something even though you know it's wrong?
Just so you how it feels. Or just because it MIGHT work out.
You wanna listen to your gut and disregard the logical part of you.
Even if the consequences are ugly, you just feel like doing it so bad.
Maybe just to see how it turns out.
Kinda like listening to emo songs after a break up.
Or not studying for a test. ( you might still ace it cause you listen in class?)
Or looking at your ex's friendster profile even if you're supposed to forget her/him.
Or cutting your hair on a whim without research.

The things you do when you listen to your heart/intuition.
whatever woman are supposed to be in tune to.
Or whatever men believe they are in tune to as well, just to a more limited extent.
I suppose okay, don't stone me.

Do you believe in following your heart or your mind then?
The most cliche answer to this would of course be to
" follow your heart".
Tried and tested and fail-proof?
Not at all.
Better to have loved and lost, then have not loved at all?
How responsible is it to get into something knowing that it wouldnt last?
Pretty damn irresponsible if you ask me.
There are exceptions i always convince myself.
Then end up beating myself up after it.
These are the sort of, things that's been whirling in my head for a bit now.
I just fancy torturing myself.
Don't mind me attempting to torture you too.
Or don't mind if you don't understand either.
It's sorta disjointed.

I just rmbed a conversation i erm, happened to overhear on the bus today.
Two women in their thirties discussing their men.
I'll bet a a hundred bucks that they aren't married and haven't really been well, lucky in love.

It goes something like..

Lady A: I mean Leonard's rich and nice to me. But he's overweight. But that's not supposed to bother you when you're in your thirties. But he looks at other women. That's unforgivable right?

Lady B: I think it's fine. You can't have everything la.

Lady A: But he gets angry when i tell him another guy is cute. But it's okay for him to look. And i've been dating him for 3months. But when i ask him if he can rmb my number, he says no and grins and asks me if i can. When i admit that i can't, then he gets all wounded-looking.

Lady B: Men's pride. Men are selfish people.

("Creatures" i mentally add)

Lady A: Ya ya! Then i told him he was being unreasonable and he apologised profusedly. Which turned me off. Men just cannot win can they? (laughs)

("that's cause women are confused as to what they want from time to time. Throwing men off track.)

Lady B: Aiya, they are just daft to me.

Lady A: I know I shouldn't be so supercifial, but honestly, his weight bothers me. I know it's not supposed to cos i'm fat too (she isn't), and i feel guilty.

Lady B: It's okay. It's normal. I'll mind too secretly. (she's kinda, erm, pudgy)

Heh. somehow i just remembered this conversation.
I kept whispering my opinion to my friend with me and he kept shushing me. haha.
Ok, i'm just being random.
Ignore it.

I promise
a new list coming up soon.
Something that will make my readers laugh k?
No more indecipherable gobbledygook.
With that,

good night sunshine.

yeni posted at 12:09 AM • comment?

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

I've been sleeping a lot lately.
I feel strangely, unproductive.
I think i'll start revision again soon.
To avoid unnecessary stress in future.
Stone me, but somehow I miss doing math.
The unproductiveness gets to me.

Though i don't understand how doing sooo much chinese could actually improve your chinese.
My laoshi has has honestly gone loco.
Well, she's driving me loco too really.
5 zuo wens, 1 book review and 4 (5?) test papers.
It's absurd!
I don't even work so hard for chemistry!

I watched a movie today.
A la folie.
He loves me, he loves me not.
And boy was it disturbing.
It's a good movie.
Shan't succumb to my need to ramble about it.
Cos it's worth a watch.
Go watch it.

I have this friend.
And he is suicidal.
I wasn't very close to him before really.
So it makes me feel really uneasy.
And i'm not exactly, erm, the most comforting person on earth actually.
Or as someone once put it, i don't go around "holding people's hands".
I think, i am becoming heartless.
I have no sympathy for him.
It's like he brought it on himself.
Or that he is weak.
Whatever it is, i'm not kind enough to understand it.
And it irks me, because
i think i should be.

okok, im just being weird tonight.
pardon me.

yeni posted at 10:33 PM • comment?

Sunday, May 20, 2007

i have been incredibly busy of late.
what have i been doing you ask?
busy repaying my sleep debt of course!

i've slept for a grand total of
man, if that doesn't just scream..


i don't know what does.

busy day tomorrow.
and no, no more repaying of debts.

but for now, i'm going to bed.
and now now,
don't you widen your eyes at me again.
i'm not mad.
its 3am k. it's normal.
i'm just trying to revert back to normal sleeping hours.
but of course, "yeni is sleeping Again cos she's a pig might suffice".

i'll bet the latter to be the unanimous pick.
oh the criticalness.
i'm off to bed.

yeni posted at 12:37 AM • comment?

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

i cannot wait for friday.
i've got a free day tmr!
thank god. one whole glorious day to catch up on sleep.
and of course,
on trigo linear law logarithm surds
and all that jazz. how could i ever forget.

my papers have been
pretty merciful actually.
nothing too bad.
let's just hope my results don't surprise
perhaps with a ton of careless mistakes.
(oh honey lets not kid ourselves!)

i've been indulging in really
unhealthy sleeping habits of late.
lets just say that my sleeping habits are

need proof?
we-ll, i look like shite for one.
my skin's so bad and, my my
don't get me started on the eyebags.
and i'm sooo exhausted.
but who can i blame but myself.
and the procrastination devil ofcourse.

i am going for a sleep marathon this friday.
i'll probably sleep from fri till sat 10pm.
and get up just in time for the jd modelling agency.
:) doesnt it just scream PIG!
hahaha. but c'mon. there's sucha thing called
or i heard.

so here are some things that happened to me that PROVES that i need sleep:

1.tueday night

my tuition teacher came over and went
tuition teacher: aiyo, what happened to you?
(whatever happened to "have you had dinner?")
me: huh. wadya mean?
him: you look so tired. did you even sleep last night?
(i had a biology paper that day. that explains..everything.)
me: err, yeah. anyway....let's move on.

2. wed morning

melli: you know. im getting you mtm skincare vouchers for your bday.
(mtm's that brand that uses pandas for as their mascot)
me: ya i know ok! my eyes feel swollen.
melli: yeah they look that part too.

3. my brother's gotten me hooked on soccer.

oh i mean, on the ps2. haha. two different stories right?
i know.
hahaha. but seriously? soccer! i need a break.
i'm so bad i'd settle for any sort of entertainment.
heh. and i can't believe i actually know who Patrick Vieira andThierry Henry are.
okay men out there. stop laughing.
i AM female afterall. im not expected to know soccer players.

4. even my dad!
dad: go sleep now. else you'll complain to me that
you need money to buy
some more expensive face cream.

i'm definitely going for that sleep marathon.

and i'd be back again with something smart to say sometime this weekend.
meanwhile, i'd just go drown myself in amath.
after my nap.

yeni posted at 3:00 PM • comment?

Sunday, May 06, 2007

stuck at home = lots of cooped up energy.
see from all the, interesting conversation.

boy: yuk! this tastes like birdfood la!
me: you've eaten birdfood?
girl: ya! i have leh!
boy: yuk! for what?
girl: for exposure la. you haven't? damn suaku la!


girl: i'm gonna fail art!
boy: even i passed! i got 55!
me: yay! i win! had 57!
boy: but my art's better than yours i bet. my teacher was damn strict.just cos she came from RI.
me: i bet my teacher's stricter than your teacher. she thinks she's good just cos she graduated from whatever college.
boy: so?
me: and you know what? she was pregnant.
boy: i definitely win then. she was an old spinster!
me: okay you win.


girl: whats a happy man?
boy: a gay man.
me: oh god.


okay back to geog!

yeni posted at 4:49 PM • comment?