Monday, April 30, 2007
since my life has been really exciting and colourful of late...
ohh who am i kidding.
now my only drama consists of
my new bf amath being jealous of my other bf biology.
so eventful yes?
you betcha.
so to spice things up and to cheer me up,
here's a new list : )
things that make me happy
1. desserts. quaint little cake shops with good ambience top my list though. and chocolate. mMmm.
2. glossy magazines.
3. looking at all things beautiful. people, photos(black&whites), models, poses, clothes, jewellery, shoes, runway shows. warning: jealousy might follow.
4. volleyball at sentosa.
5. shoes. heels, flats, wedges, sneakers. its all good
6. sleeping in and waking up with absolutely nothing to complete, no decisions to make for the day.
7. dressing up. thinks it's like, all girly and fun and, erm, feeling good about yourself.
8. shopping. nuff' said.
9. home deliveries. wangwang, cake, flowers. they'll all do.
10. dancing. learning a dance specifically.
11. singing really loudly to silly songs like hollaback girl and candyman.
12. thrill rides.
13. a good read.
14. chilling somewhere, anywhere with people i love.
15. doing something naughty. oh the thrill.
16. talking to someone till late.
17. cooking something right.
18. unravelling something/someone/somewhere new.
19. getting a haircut
20. dressing someone up.
21. buying the PERFECTo piece i've been looking for since god knows when.
22. surprises. surprise gifts, surprise visits, surprise dates.
23. feeling loved up. saying "i love you" doesnt do the trick. i have to believe you for it to work.
24. family days. when yewi and joey's aren't quarrelling.
25. holidays. vacations. travelling. same category.
kill me now.
just shoot me.
yeni posted at 12:03 AM â¢
Saturday, April 28, 2007
looks like i've gotta break my hiatus.
so much for
this week has been, pretty eventful.
regardless of the approaching midyears.
i was just looking thru my old emails and came across this one.
hope you enjoy this as much as i do.
read it slowly and savour it.
(courtesy of jeann.) A group of professional people posed this question to a group of
4 to 8 year-olds, "What does love mean?" The answers they got were broader and deeper than anyone could have imagined. See what you think:
"When my grandmother got arthritis, she couldn't bend over and paint her toenails anymore. So my grandfather does it for her all the time, even when his hands got arthritis too. That's love." Rebecca- age 8 "When someone loves you, the way they say your name is different. You just know that your name is safe in their mouth." Billy - age 4
"Love is when a girl puts on perfume and a boy puts on shaving cologne and they go out and smell each other." Karl - age 5
"Love is when you go out to eat and give somebody most of your French fries without making them give you any of theirs." Chrissy - age 6
"Love is what makes you smile when you're tired." Terri - age 4
"Love is when my mommy makes coffee for my daddy and she takes a sip before giving it to him, to make sure the taste is OK." Danny - age 7
"Love is what's in the room with you at Christmas if you stop opening presents and listen." Bobby - age 7 "If you want to learn to love better, you should start with a friend who you hate," Nikka - age 6
"Love is when you tell a guy you like his shirt, then he wears it everyday." Noelle - age 7
"Love is like a little old woman and a little old man who are still friends even after they know each other so well." Tommy - age 6
"During my piano recital, I was on a stage and I was scared. I looked at all the people watching me and saw my daddy waving and smiling. He was the only one doing that. I wasn't scared anymore." Cindy - age 8
"My mommy loves me more than anybody . You don't see anyone else kissing me to sleep at night." Clare - age 6
"Love is when Mommy gives Daddy the best piece of chicken." Elaine-age 5
"Love is when Mommy sees Daddy smelly and sweaty and still says he is handsomer than Brad Pitt ." Chris - age 7
"Love is when your puppy licks your face even after you left him alone all day." Mary Ann - age 4 "I know my older sister loves me because she gives me all her old clothes and has to go out and buy new ones." (hahaha!lini must love me ALOT.) Lauren - age 4
"When you love somebody, your eyelashes go up and down and little stars come out of you." Karen - age 7
"You really shouldn't say 'I love you' unless you mean it. But if you mean it, you should say it a lot. People forget." Jessica - age 8
yeni posted at 12:22 AM â¢
Saturday, April 21, 2007
it's time for a
–noun, plural -tus·es, -tus.
1. a break or interruption in the continuity of a work, series, action, etc. 2. a missing part; gap or lacuna: Scholars attempted to account for the hiatus in the medieval manuscript.
3. any gap or opening.
4. Grammar, Prosody. the coming together, with or without break or slight pause, and without contraction, of two vowels in successive words or syllables, as in see easily.
5. Anatomy. a natural fissure, cleft, or foramen in a bone or other structure.
those of you who actually care are either the people who
a) are really really bored
b) really really love reading about my life.
in this case, nothing much.
just midyears.
so till then,
go find some other source of entertainment.
if you're lucky though,
i might just be tempted to come online and post another oh-so-delicious list.
so, keep waiting.
yeni posted at 7:43 PM â¢
Friday, April 20, 2007
therefore thank the stars.
so, lemme indulge.
another list becos im oh-so-organised.
20 things that Really Really ANNOY me
1. people who speak
engRish really really loudly on public transport.
2. people who listen to techno and crazy frog(still!) on public tranport, and put it loud enough for
everyone to hear.
3. people who lean on the poles of the mrt oh-so-obliviously because all the other passengers really enjoy swaying around precariously.
4. bad
& slow service. what am i paying for again?
5. holiday homework.
6. chinese dictionaries with little or no hanyu pinyin.
7. the singapore weather now. can i say
8. people who press the bell (alot) more than once. oh we hear you alright. and we wanna bash you too.
9. people who push/force their way into the mrt BEFORE people exit the train. seriously, nobody wants to smell your frizzy hair.
10. whiners. complain and be done. nobody wants to compare with you about
whose life sucks more.11. people who eat alot, and
never get fat. or whatever they eat, it goes to their
cleavage, not their
thighs. pfft.
12. fakes that look fake. billabong becomes billabang. roxy becomes roxj. coach becomes cooch. i mean, at least,
try harder?
13. bad endings. waste my time. anticipation anticipation, pfft. burst.
14. neighbours who scold their kids in public really really loudly. i dun need to know that your kid cant stop chewing his big toe.
15. people who crash into you without a word of apology.
16. people who don't hold the door.
17. beautiful people with bad skin or bad dress sense. like, argh!
18. buying something and finding something similar and cheaper. nicer too. tsk.
19. not getting an answer. whether its for math, or someone avoiding your qn, or not being able to remember the lyrics to your favourite song or not being able to figure who That person resembles.
20. people with
skinny genes,
tall genes and
flawless skin genes. damn you.
been beyond busy this week.
i ran three days in a row, cause i was waiting for an ache.
but when i woke up on the fourth day(today), i felt like hanging myself.
shoot me.and you should've seen the way lydia was today. hilarious.
her claimed her thighs too painful to sit properly today.
so she just plonked down everywhere.
shoppin with sam today.
was sooo productive.
and can i just say, he looked
haha. i kid you not.
lil brother is lil no more!
tuition tmr morning, and time to hit the books. fun-filled and exciting my weekend is.
yeni posted at 11:44 PM â¢
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
babe, you got me at hello.
my amath relief teacher is 1.79m tall.
my lit teacher freezes grasshoppers and thaws them.
my emath teacher reminds me of my lil brother.
midyears are in less than three weeks time.
hate mondays.
my tys(s) /ten year series beckons.
yeni posted at 12:24 AM â¢
you got me at hello.
my amath relief teacher is 1.79m tall.
my lit teacher freezes grasshoppers and thaws them.
my emath teacher reminds me of my lil brother.
midyears are in less than three weeks time.
spare me a moment to whine.
i'm tireddd/.
damn tired.
hate mondays.
my tys(s) /ten year series beckons.
yeni posted at 12:24 AM â¢
Sunday, April 15, 2007
lets reply some tags.
julian: oooh. i reallyyyy wanted to put up betty boops. but that'd have been REAL NASTY. and btw, i saw this betty boops top at Mango ytd. 30bucks. i wanted to buy it for her you know!
jase: NOT COUNTED! and most of them are, erm, clothes that she bought on a whim. so it means...erm. fill in the blanks yourself. haha!
lini: COMMON SENSE my arse! it's called BULLYING your siblings you dumbass hahaha.
jeann: aww. i miss you too darling. and woman, therer are PLENTY more photos that are TRULY not meant for public viewing. you haven seen the worst of them :P not that you'd want to. hahaha.
debs: aww thx debs! you're too adorable. and i dun have the link to your blog!
will: sighh will. again? there's a nicer way to do this ain't there mr yu? :p
anonymoose: thank you kind soul :)
ros: HAHA indeed. now i've enlightened you right.
what is with taxi drivers?
him: which way miss?
me: the fastest way. (doh!)
him: oh. so CTE, PIE..? ( and whatever other "E"s la.)
me: erm. the fastest?
him: orh. okay.
yeni posted at 10:59 PM â¢
today i had my last indulgence till midyears.
possible the last time till my sweet sixteen too.
anna and i went shopping : )
and no, my male readers, don't you worry cos i'm not about to bore you with the intricate details of my shopping trip. and no, my female readers, i'm not about to make you swoon with envy either. haha. instead, lemme tell you about smth interesting that happened today.
i was on my way home rushing back to catch the janice dickinson modelling agency show and was at clementi interchange.
i didn't even realise i was staring. or rather, i thought i was staring inconspicuously.-_- but there was this pretty hunky chinese guy in a slightly
oversized brown jacket,
black skinny jeans,
black high-top converse sneakers,
black-rimmed glasses, a
black mesh cap and was carrying a
black Zinc tote-like bag.
and he was, okay let's put it this way, effeminate. if you know what i mean.
so i was starring while walking and suddenly he looked at me. so i quickly looked away. then he actually walked up to me.for 3secs, i thought he was gonna say
"kuah simi? qian bian ah?"
(i hope i did it right. but it means : what are you looking at? want a beating?)
or smth along those lines.
BUT instead,here's what happened..
he*duck voiced : eh s'cuse me. i was wondering, were you starring because i looked
(you betcha!)
and i was shocked! damn shocked!
me: erm. i guess so? to me.
( i was tempted to say no and let it pass.)
him: (looks
appalled ) in what way?
me: erm. i think your jeans are kinda, alil too tapered at the ankles. and erm, your bag doesnt fit. maybe do one of those crumpler-style bags instead?
him: (self-consciously) oh. okay. but is it very bad?
me: oh. no la. just alil bit.
(i lied. forgive me.)
him: oh okay. thank you.
(and he tittered off worriedly.)
gosh. how often do things like that happen man.
qn: tell me, what's worse than a huge red zit on your cheek?
ans: two of them.
yeni posted at 2:04 AM â¢
Friday, April 13, 2007
to answer my dear
here's another one of my special (and hopefully interesting) lists.
just so you all know, all of these are real-life experiences.
and no prizes for guessing, who did what to who.
as you all know, i have a LARGE family. sorta.
full of wacko, colourful people. definitely.
and growing up, we did many unspeakable, unglam and (seemingly)un-yeni deeds to each other.
so, without further ado, and to provide all your faithful readers with another dose of yeni stories,
here goes:
the weirdest things siblings do to each other:
1. siblings take unglam photos of you (and post it on their blogs).

2. siblings play
"kidnap" by stripping you of your pants and using that to tie you up. h a h a h a. scroll down for photos.
3. siblings(brothers esp) mercilessly play WWE with you(physically weaker sisters).

4. siblings take advantage of your innocence. eg. they tell you that you get paid $8 an hour for "
pumping petrol" for the MRT trains. (and if you don't see what's wrong with that, then.. we-ll. haha.go ask someone smarter to explain.)
5. siblings break your heels and finish your toner and moisturiser and lipbalm in record time.

6. siblings gang up against you and only let you, outcasted one, join the league if you
suck their big toes. 
7. siblings borrow money from each other but always end up
"forgetting" to return it.
8. siblings then always CLAIM that you owe them huge amounts of money, in front of your friends.
9. siblings always declare how you leave your bras and knickers around the room to your male friends.
10. siblings use zig markers to to write "i love (insert crush's name)" on the soles of your feet, so that when you obliviously get up and go for ballet class barefooted, everybody sees and laughs at you and you never ever know who the culprit is until 2 years later.
HOWEVER, they also..
11. cover up for you when you surpass your curfew.
12. lend you cash and (hopefully but rarely) forget about it soon after.

13. tell you when you look fat/weird (damn
tactlessly too)
14. help
catch the bugs in the room for you.

15. help lie that you're asleep or in the toilet to
fend off unwanted callers.
16. teach you what google accounts, friendster accounts and blogger accounts are and keep it a secret.
17. teach you how to shave and put on make up. or you watch and learn anyhow.
18. share their clothes, shoes, makeup, accesories and possibly, undergarments with you.
19. keep you company for life. you actually, don't really have a choice.
20. got your back no matter what they, no matter how deny.

i therefore conclude.
siblings, sometimes you absolutely can't live with them, but most of the time, you just can't live them.
yeni posted at 7:12 PM â¢
Sunday, April 08, 2007
you know how it is when you have so many things to say till everything is kinda messed up cos you don't really know and can't really decide what to start with?
(it might just be me cos im too damn talkative, but that isn't the point.)
then you know it's time to write a draft. but since this isn't a graded essay, i'll just post the photos and talk you through them.

yewi and i at the Good Friday event at church. i got up bright and early. about 9am okay. and didn't have anything to eat till about 6pm. doh. to be truthful, i was sleepy, cold, hungry and bored till dinner time.

munchung got acquainted with my beloved camera which "looks like chocolate" and took very "natural"-looking photos. julian loves doing that too yes hun? haha. i know i look like im kissing the air in that shot. but i was just biting my lip. i swear. we were rubbishing ard in the playgroud for abit, waiting for joel.
look how feminine baby yewi has become. boobs will follow dear.
or, i hope..

liying and jiehao.
ah she's skinny and i love her top. and mr hot-pants there, i met him when i was in sec 1. and he's going into army on tue. ah time flies. ooh. and we went for a movie, as in yewi me becca liying joel, and ben and jerry's. the movie's good, the icecream + brownies were heavenly. ahhh.
munchung: you have a nice profile.yeni: only?
hahaha. i'd put up the photo of munchung and i. to give credit to my photographer. but the one i took of both of us, i was too short and cut off his head. -_- sigh.

mel LOVES this photo. reckons it makes her look tall. well, it does, kinda. right? or tallER at least. haha. this was a sat night. girls' night out. with CAKE.
we-ll. we couldnt find a mirror.megan lyd me mel grace and eunice. oh grace and eunice popped outta nowhere. haha. they joined us for cakes and were the BIGGEST cam whores ever. worse than ME! and i thought i was bad. haha!though i've toned down after gettin my cam. i prefer taking the photo now.
reflection photo. grace mel me and eunice.

too hot babes? hahaha!

hear no evil. speal no evil. see no evil.
thank god i din have to be in the photo cos i'd be lying since im pretty damn evil.

yewi in her pyjamas on Easter morning!how pleasant.

yewi in her kidnapped state. i really din know what i was doing. i was attempting to kidnap her i think. i stripped her of her pants and used them to tie her hands up. she was trying to escape. she has cool knickers huh. 
went kite flying at marina bay and had some good family time today. had ALOT of difficulties gettin the damn thing up. and joey kept calling me a FAG cos i kept making the kite drop. haha.
tell me he looks cool. haha.

my mama. everyone keeps gushing abt how we look alike. so.. you think?

yewi climbing the sundial. and the ferris wheel behind. pretty huh?

"the drink to drink if you drink".
i almost died laughing.
that about sums up my weekend.
time for school baby.
yeni posted at 10:58 PM â¢
till this day, it still BUGS me.
i was in Thailand for a mission trip. (hoho!)
and we were supposed to go onstage to sing two songs.
the stage was quite big.
but the thing is, the lights were very low.
and you know how flying things always buzzes around the lights.
i went onstage and my heart stopped.
you know how i'm "seemingly fearless" and all "garang' and all that jazz.
but a bug reduces me to a, nothingness.
really. it's embarassing.
the floor of the stage ladden with bugs of all sorts, in all conditions.
dead, alive, a few legs missing, flying, crawling, spotted, translucent, winged, shelled and whatnot.
i took a deep breath and convinced myself that this isnt the time to be a girl about it.
so i went onstage and had the "honours" of being in the front row, perks of being my height you see.
and you know how there are lights at the front of the stage.
i was beside it. and there were grasshoppers, spiders, huge ant-sy thigies, beetles, and many others i cant identify.
and much to me disgust, most of the insects there had relatively bad eyesight.
seeing as they kept flying into me, yeah, they had to be pretty damn blind.
and it didn't help that i was standing in the front and had to maintain a cool composure and not wiggle around. and not screaming was already, very much of a huge effort.
so we started singing.
i could feel bugs, see bugs, hear bugs. thank god i couldnt taste them.
they kept flying into my face and crawling on my neck. it was so traumatizing. and i couldn't swipe them off cos it was disrespectful to the thais, sorta. thank god for the kind soul behide me who discreetly picked the bugs off my neck and HAIR. gasp!.
and you know, i really was singing despite the fact that i felt like i was in an episode of Fear Factor. i was smiling like i should and trying to maintain eye contact with some of the audience. then suddenly, smth caught my eye. i looked down and i saw this thing that looked like a corss between a grasshopper and a stick-insect on my hip.
it's eye were staring straight at me, feelers wiggling back and forth.
it took all of me not to cry.
i have no idea what on earth possessed me what to do next and how i did it. seeing as how i exterminate insects now ( i refuse to touch it, i don't even pick it up with a tissue. i just smack it with a slipper or smth thick so i don't have to touch it at all and leave it there and seduce someone into ridding it for me), i don't know how i managed to swipe off the thing with my bare hands. and away it flew, onto the thigh of the person beside. and i swear, guilt consumed me when i saw his reaction.
when i got off stage, i NEEDED to go to the toilet urgently, to wash my face and hands and wash up basically. and i am ashamed to admit, but i really wanted to cry. but even more shamefaced, i feel pretty damn proud of myself for going through that without crying! *beams
that night, when i undressed for bath, i combed 2 bugs outta my hair, 2 in my sleeves(i folded my sleeves up cos it was too long), and 3 in my sports bra (what lecherous bugs yeh? and lucky too i'd add. dying in my bosoms. hah!). oh just kill me. i feel so icky when i remember.
and Now you realise the extent of it huh.
till this day, when i think back. i still feel shivers running down my spine. and my neck gets all itchy and i get all paranoid that there are bugs on my neck.
i am fully aware how dreadfully, sickeningly bimbotic i sound in this post. but hell, i am terrified of bugs. i know the thing about bugs being smaller than humans and all that jazz, but still!
and i promise, this story is based on the very true experience and that im not being dramatic in any way whatsoever. you can ask lini!
i have not exaggerated, dramatised or embellished any facts in any way.
so you know why i hate bugs.
and nah, yeni ain't fearless.
never was, never will be.
it's just the damn bugs la.
anyway, this is the very entertaining( h a h a h a !) and hair-raising(you betcha!) bug story i promised..
and i promise,
something serious soon.
with that,
goodnight sweetums :)
yeni posted at 12:25 AM â¢
till this day, it still BUGS me.
i was in Thailand for a mission trip. (hoho!)
and we were supposed to go onstage to sing two songs.
the stage was quite big.
but the thing is, the lights were very low.
and you know how flying things always buzzes around the lights.
i went onstage and my heart stopped.
you know how i'm "
seemingly fearless" and all "garang' and all that jazz.
but a bug reduces me to a, nothingness.
really. it's embarassing.
the floor of the stage
ladden with
bugs of all sorts, in all conditions.
alive, a few legs
shelled and whatnot.
i took a deep breath and convinced myself that this isnt the time to be a girl about it.
so i went onstage and had the "honours" of being in the front row, perks of being my height you see.
and you know how there are lights at the front of the stage.
i was beside it. and there were
grasshoppers, spiders,
huge ant-sy thigies,
beetles, and many others i cant identify.
and much to me disgust, most of the insects there had relatively bad eyesight.
seeing as they kept
flying into me, yeah, they had to be pretty damn blind.
and it didn't help that i was standing in the front and had to maintain a cool composure and not wiggle around. and not screaming was already, very much of a huge effort.
so we started singing.
i could
feel bugs,
see bugs,
hear bugs. thank god i couldnt taste them.
they kept flying into my face and
crawling on my neck. it was so traumatizing. and i couldn't swipe them off cos it was disrespectful to the thais, sorta. thank god for the kind soul behide me who discreetly
picked the bugs off my neck and HAIR. gasp!.
and you know, i really was singing despite the fact that i felt like i was in an episode of
Fear Factor. i was smiling like i should and trying to maintain eye contact with some of the audience. then suddenly, smth caught my eye. i looked down and i saw this thing that looked like a corss between a grasshopper and a stick-insect on my hip.
it's eye were staring straight at me, feelers wiggling back and forth.
it took all of me not to cry.i have no idea what on earth possessed me what to do next and how i did it. seeing as how i exterminate insects now ( i refuse to touch it, i don't even pick it up with a tissue. i just smack it with a slipper or smth thick so i don't have to touch it at all and leave it there and seduce someone into ridding it for me), i don't know how i managed to swipe off the thing with my
bare hands. and away it flew, onto the thigh of the person beside. and i swear, guilt consumed me when i saw his reaction.
when i got off stage, i NEEDED to go to the toilet urgently, to wash my face and hands and wash up basically. and i am ashamed to admit, but i really wanted to cry. but even more shamefaced, i feel pretty damn proud of myself for going through that without crying! *beams
that night, when i undressed for bath, i combed
2 bugs outta my hair,
2 in my sleeves(i folded my sleeves up cos it was too long, and
3 in my sports bra (what lecherous bugs yeh? and lucky too i'd add.
dying in my bosoms. hah!). now you see the extent of it huh.
till this day, when i think back. i still feel shivers running down my spine. and my neck gets all itchy and i get all paranoid that there are bugs on my neck.
i am
fully aware how
dreadfully, sickeningly bimbotic i sound in this post. but hell, i am terrified of bugs. i know the thing about bugs being smaller than humans and all that jazz, but still!
and i promise, this story is based on the very true experience and that im
not being dramatic in any way whatsoever. you can ask lini!
i have not exaggerated, dramatised or embellished any facts in any way.
so you know why i hate bugs.
and nah, yeni ain't fearless.
never was, never will be.
it's just the damn bugs la.
anyway, this is the very
entertaining( h a h a h a !) and
hair-raising(you betcha!) bug story i promised..
and i promise,
something serious soon.
with that,
goodnight sweetums :)
yeni posted at 12:25 AM â¢
Thursday, April 05, 2007
(this isn't a joke. neither has my account been hacked into. but if you just persist on, the passage below is actually, very much, english. just a very, sorta, weird mutation.)
juz 4 uR iNfo hOrx,
juz Bcuz mi LikE tO tYpE wiT sOmE lEtteRs biG, sOmE beRi sMall. N juZ bcUz wHeN mi tAke nEoPriNt dEn Lik 2 aCt kAwAii aLL dA tiMe bY lOokiNg fRm uNdeR oUr fRinGe. N jUZ bCuZ mi Lik 2 wEaR sKirT sHoRteR tHaN oThEr ppL aNd DiE mi hAiR N rEbOnD 2 sTrAigHt stRAiGhT. jUz bCuZ i pUt AbiT mOrE mAscAra. jUz bCuZ i Lik piNk N pUrpLe. jUZ bcUz i liK 2 cAll mi bOyFriEnD LaOgONg iN pUbLic N 2 LoTsA LoTsA ppL. JuZ bcUz mi liK mY dArLiNg bAbY 2 wEaR sLeEveLesS sHiRtS N bAgGy jEaNs N sHoW tHEiR bOxErS tAt LaOpO bUy 4 euU. jUz bCuZ mi Lik 2 aCt sExY bY wEaRiNg TiGht tigHt tUBeS N pOsTiNg oN FwEnsTeR. jUz bCuZ mi aLwAys LiK tO siT oN lAoGoNg'S LaP iN aRcAdE N diAo aT oTheR cHiObUs wHo wAnt 2 TaKe mY bAbY. N jUz bCuZ mi eNgLiSh nOt tAt gUd euu cAn cAll mE cHeeNa aH LiAnx Mehz? EuU tiNk i wAnT 2 b liK thii? wAhlAu eH.i aLsO cAnNoT hELp iT wAn wAt. liK taT dEn Lik tAt mAhx. nOt hApi euux tiNk mi pAsAr izzitx? wAt siA? cOmE fiGhT lOrxx. mY laOgONg wiL pRotEctx wO de. hOrxx dEaR dEaR? i lUb eUux sHoOo bEri BeRi mUcX. [{:LaOgOnG lUb xiAogOnGzHu 4eVa:}] kaeiizzz? {mUacKzz}!
you have made it.
though if you gave up halfway along the second line,
it's absolutely not your fault.
i took approximately 35mins to do that.
so i wouldnt blame eUux.
and they wonder why nobody visits their blog.
yeni posted at 11:05 PM â¢
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
yes i am aware that i haven't updated in the longest time.
only leaving my dear faithful readers with a crappy cartoon to contend with.
the past few days have been
what with dance dance and tests and whatnot.
i'll post pictures of dance dance and
horrible usher stories to amuse y'all soon.
meanwhile, i'll update on the last two days.
sunday night:the night i faced my fears.
for most of you who know me well enough,
you'd know how a single bug can reduce me into a screaming mess by just fluttering it's wings.(for beetles, albeit their noisy ones.)
on sunday night. joey, my regular, trusty
bug-terminator left me to fend for myself.
we had discovered the beetle at 9pm at night. he caught it effortlessly and was having a ball of a time torturing it when it flew outta the bowl and back into my room.
it was in the lights.
unable to do anything, joey promised to get it for me when it was within reach.
at 1am, my mum saw the beetle on my cupboard and caught it in a tissue. she had one foot outta the door when the thing flew outta her grip. she quicky shut the door and assured me that it was out.
HOWEVER, at 2:30am that night. just as i was about to switch of the lights, there it was, beside the switch. i swear, it was like meeting my crush.
adrenaline rush.(preparing for fight or flight?)
being a bio student, allow me to flaunt.
increased heart rate, arterioles constrict causing pallor, pupils dilate, increased glucose levels.
okay enough, im being dramatic.
then i decided, it was up to me to get rid of it if i don't want it flying into my mouth while i sleep.
incapable of contact with it, i refused to use the normal way of ridding bugs(the tissue way).
i used the squishing way. i used a tissue box and slammed real hard. and i swear, the squashing sound still traumatizes me. arg. reminds me of the bug experience in thailand.
i'll tell you abt that soon.
and after that, i just let go of the box and just switched off the lights and slept.
i couldnt bear to clear it up.
i begged joey to help me the next morning.
and you know, i have no idea why i vounteered this sick and pointless story.
okay moving on..
monday:dreary dreary monday. aren't most mondays, if not all.
my only consolation?
it's a four day week!
haha. anyway, it's DJW (Discover Jesus Week) in MGS! hurrah.
no first periods till thurs!
three things today:
1. good looks gets you to alot of places, if not, everywhere.2. i was hugely amused during biology class today by how plants reproduced (have sex, to put it very very simply) and not to mention, kinda grossed out at the thought of eating the ovary of the plant. i know, i border on bimbotic by saying that. but really. this IS my blog. haha.3. my lao shi spent an excruciating 40mins going thru ONE composition. whoever wrote it, pls, slaughter her.anyway. the first point is the one that matters today.
for DJW, we had a caucasian pastor, and he's kinda, cute. and the way he speaks, i lke..
it's planned i tell you.
specially to make us pay attention during chapel.
cheap tactic,
but it works! haha.
normally, chapel time is snoozing time cos it's a monday morning. DOH.
BUT, today, the congregation was surprisingly energetic and engaged.
hah! no prizes for guessing why.
but here are cases that triggered this post.
case study 1:anna and i were bored outta our minds and observing and scrustinising people. this gal, lets call her J, walked by and was all bouncy and noisy. she jumped around and laughed boisterously. her redeeming point, she was pretty. then, suddenly, she reminded me of this other gal, D. she was okay, i'll give it to you, ugly, to me at least. there isnt another way to go around it. J's actions were almost identical to D's, yet we didn't deem it "annoying, irritating, spastic, retarded". it's the same thing as a pretty girl who flirts wildly, and an ugly/fat one who does the same thing. which is a turn off?
case study 2: the cute pastor today got away with absolutely everything today. all his lame jokes, lame games. and even though we could hardly rmb his message, im sure most of us wouldnt mind his returning to us. ha ha ha. he played this game which required the whole hall to stand up, and we were on our feet within 5 secs. which is really, a feat, considering we take about all of 15secs usually since half of us are snoozing. and all his lame jokes, we laughed, he lame games, we played. however, the same behaviour wouldnt be tolerated by say, a skinny gawky pastor with acne, wearing a yellow flower-printed shirt, would it?
life is unfair, ain't it?
and i am acutely aware that
i dun sound too convincing.
but considering that it's 2am and that my brain's full of
BIOLOGY, what with synapses, intermediate neurones, photoreceptors and islets of langerhan.
i declare myself forgiven.
ha ha.
good night
i'll post something coherent soon.
cross my heart.
yeni posted at 1:08 AM â¢