Wednesday, March 28, 2007

no idea why this amuses me so much.
i'll be back soon with a smarter post.
meanwhile, chemistry test tmr.
just shoot me alr.
yeni posted at 11:30 PM â¢
Sunday, March 25, 2007
my sundays are for family
today, i woke up in my PINK KIDDY PYJAMAS to delia siow in my room. i was completely horrified of course, needless to say. haha. but i thanked the stars that i didn't have goop on my face then.
after which, i did some homework and went to vivo city for dinner with yewi mum and dad. and damn im still stuffed. with foie gras! and do not be deceived. it's not pronouced like that.
foie gras : four- grrr- ahhh
yeah. i was tricked too.
since today was kinda boring, and monday is coming.
i am excused for having nothing smart to say tonight.
here are some photos to spice things up : )
i say it like its a good thing. but,
okay okay. really,
im just crazy over my camera. hahaha.
so bear with me.

SHOW OFF! haha.

me and yewi. one's missing though. oh you know who you are! haha. miss ya babes.
candy empire! i don't like candy. but man, i go gaga over chocolate. and lil sister is growing up! well, kinda,

i like.
not me la. what's behind me.

and MORE chocolates!

and MORE!
and more and more and more!
at this point of time, i feel alil bit bimbotic screaming "and more" alr. so, forgive me if i leave this photo unlabelled.
oh yeah. i posted this to tell y'all:
thank you.
good night sunshine : )
yeni posted at 10:27 PM â¢
some very appropriate words to describe today would be :
eventful, emotional & productive.
for a start, i woke up at 6:40am. and i was like, man. i don't feel like going to school. cos there was some interclass competition of sorts this's actually the Mgs Sea Games 07'. i know it sounds kinda lame but it was really fun actually. we had three Olympic Games namely handball benchball and floorball. but yeah, back to 6:40 am this morning. i was supp to be in school at 7:20. but i rolled ard in bed till 7:30. then guilt got the better of me and i headed to school. and boy, were they glad to see me. you know why? not cos im great at benchball handball and floorball or anything. it's cos only HALF the class turned up. 15 out of 29 people. we barely had enough people for every game. okay scrap that. we DID NOT have enough people for all the games. we were like playing non-stop for god knows how many hours under the scorching sun. i'm sunburnt now : ( really. it was like after this we have that right after. we had breaks though. yeah. one minute ones. -_- but in the end, we won 4th for floorball, 3rd for handball and 1ST FOR BENCHBALL. and trust me, with only half the class there, that is a huge feat. draggin myself outta bed this morning for sea games is definitely smth i dont regret. honestly. we had to go ard negotiating with people to wait for us to finish the game. had to suffer a walkover becos we din have enough players to go ard. people cried. people bitched. but mostly, we all had fun. well, i did.
it was emotional in the sense that, i dunno. people were, kinda touchy. like how *** was very affected by the irresponsible behaviour of our class. which is understandable. i believe those people who missed the games deliberately should be deeply ashamed of yourself. you may have excuses, you may have MCs. but inside, you are the one who know. the only reason i pulled my heavy ass outta bed this morning was cos i was accountable to 4M. i knew i had responsibilities to fulfil. i had to play for my class. i had to contribute to the class. and really, like *** said, i can't believe there can be such irresponsible people in the world. BUT, i guess there will always be people like that ard. selfish, self-centred. not giving a damn if it doesnt benefit them. guess you just gotta learn how to be responsible for your own actions. and make the best out of everything. yeah.
but i'll nv forget winning the benchball game. it was absolutely electrifying. how everybody held on to everybody on the bench was so heartwarming. the teamwork. the defense. the intercepting. everything was so damn good. haha. im so proud of my class. and i'll nv forget the last ball. chow threw and i just stuck my hand out. and omg, the ball was in my arms.
oh sweet victory.
hahaha. we howled and screamed and jumped and hugged and laughed and cried and everything. wow. it was so..surreal.
like, everything paid off finally.
we sneaked off after the last game and gave the prize-giving ceremony a miss.
but it wasnt too bad.
considering how accident prone i am and how mercilessly aggressive SOME (bull-like) people were during the games, two bruises on my arm and blisters on my feet aren't all that bad. oh, gettin all the wind knocked outta me when i was shouldered was pretty bad though. but yeah.
and you know, everytime the ball comes nearer, i'd like hyperventilate or something. really.
but who cares.
we won din we?
even with half the class and all.
after reaching home,i looked into the mirror and couldnt help thinking like i looked like i just took a shower with my clothes on. haha. my mum went for the parents-teacher conference. and really, im impresses with myself! haha. perhaps the teachers were merciful. but nonetheless. all went well. my mum was pleased. haha. i actually planned to go church. but i fell asleep. surprise surprise. only got up when lydia called me. i looked at the clock and panicked. thank god she was smart enough to stay at home. haha. though i was still half an hour late in meetin her after setting a new meeting time. heh heh. im sorry. im just horrendous at punctuality.
we were relatively productive. she got all that she needed. likewise for me. haha. i had alot of fun really.
and lydia is soo weird. she is older than me, but i treat her like she's younger. haha. i ALWAYS have to takecare of that woman! you and your obssession with tofu heads and chins and whatnot. and she keeps calling me a male omg! just becos i nv played with toys since i was young cos i dont like them, and still do NOT like stuff toys doesnt make me male. okay granted, i took an online quiz that deems me only 55% female which i am POSITIVE isn't accurate, i am still in actual fact, very very female, albeit a sporty one.
ah. and i AM not being defensive.
dun i look very female to you?
haha. this IS a rhetorical qn btw.
okay and since i FINALLY uploaded the thingy and photos.
here's a rare treat : )
my first picture. testing the lighting. and i swear, i dun usually take pictures of myself in the mirror. just a, erm, rare indulgence. hahaha.
ha ha! lydia. she's kinda cute yeah?
during the march holidays. i was HARD AT WORK okay.
something about this photo that hits home.

we look kinda strange here.

this candy machine thing is sooo adorable. so much more useful than stuffed toys. it's from action city. but nah, i wouldnt spend money on it. im sorry. i dun really like candy. though it LOOKS hell good yeah. haha.

ahhhh.gasp gasp hyperventilate. this is just TOO pretty. oh god. it's from Alternatives at Heerens. now THIS is what i'd call,

oh man oh man oh man.
see something you like miss?
oh my.speaking of which. i saw a pair of gorgeous porcelain earrings and soo many tops caught my fancy. well, too many.
haha. and to end off the day, something unusual happened on my way home.
due to the fact that i live in a very ulu area that requires a ten mintue walk in from the bustop, i haven really walked home alone after 8pm since i was about, erm, i duno. 12? yeah. even when i went out with anna, she walked me up! haha. i know i know. i am loved. but yeah. i thought tonight would be a first since i went out with LYDIA. so i boarded the bus and minded my own business. and i got off, went to 7-11 and started the walk up the HILL. then i realised there was this guy behind me who bore an uncanny resemblance to samuel yu. he was decent looking actually. i thought he just lived ard the area and i just shrugged it off. then he walked beside me and spoke to me. here's how our conversation went, kind of.
him: hey.
me: erm. yes?
him: i was just wondering, what is a pretty girl like you doing walking home yourself so late?
me: does that concern you?
him: well. considering i've been wanting to speak to you since you boarded the bus, i was just wondering if you'd give me to honour of letting me walk you home?
me: im sorry, but i really shouldn't talk to strangers.
him: oh. im ryan. and im 17 this year. you are..?
me: i am going home. myself. thank you for offering though.
(by this time, i'm alr nearing the gate)
him: oh i'm sorry. i really didn't mean to scare you.
me: well, the act of following me from the bus scares me. and i'm home now. so technically. you sent me home. so, thank you. and see ya.
him: oh wait. i was just wondering. if you don't have a boyfriend, would you mind exchanging numbers with me? nothing much, just to be friends.
me: thanks but no thanks. i'd rather we stay strangers. thank you and gnite ryan.
him: gnite babe.
that is such a bad way to pick girls up.
pls do refrain from doing it.
actually, i should come up with a list on that huh?
haha.soon soon.
with that,
gnite sweetums.
i thought too much of you.
you disapoint me.
yeni posted at 12:34 AM â¢
Friday, March 23, 2007
this is a
friday.and therefore gives me the liberty to put up rubbish posts.
so with that, i present to you a new list.
hope it makes your sides split as much as it did for my sides.
very short list of
different types
major turns-offs
1. The Hanky Guyi'm not talking about the sort of
oozing with charm middle-aged richard gere-estque kinda men who carries
crisp white hankies and whips them out of their back pockets should their female companion be unable to find a tissue in time. i am, most
unfortunately, talking about the skinny hunchbacked guys who keep their crumpled (possibly
mucus-filled) hankies in their pockets, together with their wallets and handphones. eew. they usually wear glasses that constantly slip down their noses too. haha. lydia and i couldn't decide which was worse: wiping his sweat or blowing his nose (loudly). try imagining.
2. The Penguinyou know what im talking about, don't you. the guys who walks with his feet is a constant "V". like happy feet. heh. i couldnt decide if the north-south-east-west swaggerers were worst. you decide.
3. The Crybabyhey. i'm all for
male sensitivity and all. but honestly, can you imagine a guy tearing up over a movie when you come out of the theatre all dry-eyed? it's so wrong. it's a
perversion of nature of some sort. haha. somehow, the sight of a sobbing male, is painful to watch.
excruciating even. sniff sniff, whatever happened to the MEN who shed
blood and not
4. The Pink V-neck top Guyi shall assume that no explanation is needed for this.
5. The Nipple Guyimagine short muscular guy in a white singlet.and smack in the middle, a NIPPLE. eew. heard of nipple tape?
6. The (white-based) Sports Shoes Guysports shoes are meant for sports and nothing else honey. no buts.
7. The Tote-Bag guypls tell me you know what's a tote.

yeah. that's a Coach tote. and imagine that on your guy.
no further elaboration required.
8. The Sloppy One
i'm thinking jeans and slippers. or sandals even. berms CAN work with sneakers. with slippers too. but jeans must
ALWAYS ALWAYS go with shoes of some sort.
9. Mr Oil-Blotterhaha! this cracks me up so bad. hahaha. i heard a story once. a gf took out an oil blotter in public and starting blotting her own face, mistake number 1. mistake number 2, the bf asks her for one. hahaha! dun cringe just yet. mistake number 3, he blots, helps himself to a second. and THEN, he presents his "masterpiece(s)" to his gf. like, "see! these sheets of blue paper contains my oil.TAKE IT!" hahaha! cue cringe.
10. The Cologne Loveryou know how sometimes when you walk past a guy, and a second later, you hit this
invisible wall of cologne. i mean, cologne smells good when it's subtle. but too much, makes you feel like throwing up.
11. The Handphone Pouch Guyhaha. LOUD ringtone on the bus, and he whips his handphone POUCH from his pocket. if you absolutely Insist on a pouch, which in itself alr sounds strange, opt for simpler ones. less gay. trust me.
12. The Narcissistwalk past a mirror, touch his hair. another mirror, his face. another mirror, his hair again. i mean, seriously, i can't see a strand of hair that's out of place. you know you need help when you take longer than your gf in the public washrooms. and you DO need immediate attention if she's been waiting for abt 20mins. (unless you've been doing, erm, other stuff in the washroom that doesn't require the mirror. in this case, you're excused).
13. The Duck-(voiced)heh heh.lydia's personal favourite. you know how a guy's voice is sometimes higher-pitched than his gf's? hahaha. yeah.
14. The Swear-eron the mrt, just when you were minding your own business, a group of guys come in. and somehow, they have this weird idea that swearing loudly on public tranport charms the socks of the girls. and so that's what they do. the f*** this, cb that, lan **** you and whatever hokkien words i cant rmb. oh you think it's so cool? occasionally, yeah it's fine. during sports, ah, acceptable. but once in every sentence just gets annoying. esp if you have
The duck voice. i'm so sorry, perhaps im just bias. haha.
15. The (i'm-too-lazy-to-hold-the-) Door Guyyou know the HEAVY glass door at taka when you go down to the basement. you're lugging your shopping up and finally reach the top of the escalator. you're behind this man in a business suit who looks all refined and whatnot, and you're just about to walk out of the door behind him. and bang, he opens the door just a crack enough for himself to fit in and slithers out of the door. leaving you to do a nose dive with the door. and at that point of time, i wouldnt blame you if you felt like swearing too.
16. The Guy who eats like yewiha ha, yewi is my baby sister. she's 13 years old, 145cm and 31kg. yeah. don't you just hate it when a guy picks at his food, cant decide on a restaurant, stops eating before you finish cos he's "absolutely STUFFED" when half his portion is still on his plate. then you look at your plate and it's all shiny and clean. then you feel like killing yourself for looking like such a
pig. then you feel like killing him for being so, yewi.
17. The Guy who doesn't know how to use the ShaverSHAVE PROPERLY. you either leave enough there to look like you're keeping it, or just shave it all off, clean-shaven. neither here nor there makes you look like you duno how to shave properly.
18. Mr LATEno explanation needed.
19. The My-underswear-is-sooo-cool-i-gotta-show-the-whole-world Guyhahaha. red, yellow, black, white, calvin klein, armani or spongebob. i don't really care. just pls, look decent. it ain't no G-string sweetheart.
20. The HairBand Guyif you hair is long and annoying your eyes, CUT YOUR HAIR. though if you DO wannaa look like a cross between neighbourhood ah beng and neighbourhood ah lian, by all means, put that pink hairband on. leaving it around your neck is quite appropriate too.
coutesy of yeni and lydia
hope it made you laugh as hard as it made me and lydia.
with that,
g'nite sunshines.
yeni posted at 10:02 PM â¢
Monday, March 19, 2007
school wasn't
that bad, in a
how-long-more-to-recess way i guess.
got this
big-ass amath test on wed.
what a wonderful start for term 02.
when i woke up this morning, i felt like i hardly slept for 15mins.
my eyes were so puffy.
and i already have (lack-of-) sleep zits forming.
so gross, and don't even get me started on the eyebags.
they are
and to top it all off, i feel like a total
joey got me going without much effort.
all the fat-jesty's and whatnots.
you know, i was just about to bite into a piece of meat, last piece on the plate i might add,
when he said,
"eat that and get FAT".
no prizes for what happened next.
afterall, what are brothers for right?
and his recent fetish is convincing me that i've got a double chin.
and i swear, i looked into the mirror and all i see is CHIN.
and yewi's keeps going on and on about her beautiful abs.
this is so
and joey deems my daily 200 situps
NEGLIGIBLE.he says 1000 a day should be
"good enough".
tell me his behavious is
pretty please?
this, is what you get, with a whole family of sport freaks.
yeni posted at 11:43 PM â¢
Sunday, March 18, 2007
school starts tmr.
and omg, i am absolutely d-r-e-a-d-i-n-g it.
through and through.
but isn't this oh- so-predictable.
ha ha.
just when i was getting used to my nocturnal,
erm VERY nocturnal habits.
think 4-5am nights and 1-2pm mornings.
yeah, now you can cringe. haha.
i'm listening to the radio and all the callers are like
"emily, i'm so bummed and upset that school's starting tmr!"
this is so depressing.
spare me a moment to whine, but damn.
back to rushing from period to period, nights of math and chem, plenty of pep talks from teachers, 6am mornings, crawling out of bed and psychoing myself into thinking that my bed doesn't look THAT tantalising. oh yeah, i almost forgot to mention, the Stress of the upcoming O levels.
sigh, this is what holidays do to you yeah?
make you rejoice then reduce you to a nervous wreck before school starts.
okay, maybe it's just me.
okay okay.
im done whining and all ready for school.
ready to tackle mid years.
come think of it,
come the next holidays,
it'd be my birthday.
right smack on,
remedial day.
school isn't that bad.
yeah it isnt.
i just checked my timetable.
and how unforgiving.
i have two periods of chinese tmr.
i hate waking up early.
yeni posted at 10:00 PM â¢
what yeni thinks is
the difference between sexy and slutty
(in public)
sexy is crossing your legs and letting your shoes/heels dangle on your toes.
slutty is sitting on the guy's lap.
sexy is absentmindedly stroking your collarbone.
slutty is "oops sorry din mean to lean over to show you my boobies".
sexy is fitting.
slutty is too-tight. way too tight. throw in see-through as well.
sexy is a mini skirt and nice legs.
slutty is a knickers-display.
sexy is cleavage.
slutty is half your boobs.
sexy is a peek of lace when you bend.
slutty is a crack.
sexy is a sneak peck on the theatres.
slutty is tonsil-hockey on the escalator.
sexy is a smart conversation.
slutty is butt-grabbing and lip-smacking sounds.
sexy is a love-note slipped into his bag.
slutty is a declaration on msn/your blog that your favourite fruit are his "apples & bananas"
sexy is an attitude.
slutty is a performance/ display.
tip:sexy is how you carry yourself.
from the little things like smiling, answering the phone, twirling your hair, adjusting your heel buckle to the way you encourage, the way you speak to people or the way you treat your family.
sexy, think
if all else fails, think,
what would
nicole kidman do.
that should work.
yeni posted at 12:48 AM â¢
Saturday, March 17, 2007
hsigh. you never cease to amaze me babes.
lyvelyfe says:
actually i thought of giving u a painting
lyvelyfe says:
of ur big face
lyvelyfe says:
haha. but i'll see if i have the time 1st
lyvelyfe says:
eh wait. correction! i meant big painting
you're so endearingly blur. i have a big face? or not.
yeni posted at 12:42 AM â¢
Friday, March 16, 2007
laptop's fixed!
thx to julian. haha. though it was fixed since monday. heh. i lag.
it's so ironic that i hardly update during the holidays but i actually do it regularly when i have school. routine i guess.
this holidays, ive been so incredibly busy. the days just flew by i swear it did NOT feel anything remotely like a HOLIDAY. ive been having those 4-5am nights. more productive at night you see. haha. im gonna die when school starts. i just know it.
and i caught "stomp the yard" today.
it's nice-ish. in a mtv way. haha. more beats and rhythm than dance really. not my kind of choreography. but man, they can dance. but to be brutally honest, their plot's non-existant. THOUGH, their bodies are just..pfft. yea, you ge my point. tight, taut, hard whatever. yea. hah!
anyway. just a quick quiz thingie warm up my blogging again.
a read-worthy post soon. i promise.
and photos too.
just lemme load the darn program into the darn laptop.
1. Cigarettes: arent cool. and they're smelly.
2. Sex: should be saved for best.
3. Relationships: are not for me.
4. Your Last Ex: was unbelievable nice despite my being a bitch.
5. Power Rangers: like ultraman, wears a costume and cheats little kids.
6. Crack: ho!
7. Food: gives you cleavage.
8. The Prime Minister: needs to reconsider o levels this year.
9. War: is bad, however you put it.
10. Cars: are convenient when driven by daddy.
11. Petrol Prices: are something my parents keep bitching about.
12. Halloween: means someone's bday! haha.
14. Religion: isn't for me.
15. MySpace: is non-existant.
16. Worst Fear: growing fat and stupid.
17. Marriage: is something i might forgo, surprisingly.
18. Paris Hilton: is an attention-seeker.
19. Brunettes: are pretty. blondes are hot. or so i think. think jessica alba.
20. Redhead: nicole kidman. marcia cross.
21. Politics: doesnt interest me.
22. Pass the Time: create a blog. hah!
23. One Night Stands: should not be attempted if you fall in love easily.
24. Mobile Phones: are essential.
25. Pet Peeves: don't pinch me. i hate it.
26. Pixie Trix: is?
27. Vanilla Ice Cream: ain't my favourite.
28. Porta-Potties: sound smelly
29. High School: nahhh.
30. Pajamas: should be worn by people who value comfort.
31. Wood: peckers remind me of yewi's Moment.
32. Wet Socks: stink. yeah joey? hah.
33. Alcohol: is a double-edged sword.
34. The word HATE: shouldn't be taken lightly. it annoys me how someone goes "i hate you" and not understand the meaning of it. it's as impt as "i love you"
35. My best friends: are all older than me and are all crazy wacko people. but they make me laugh alot.
36. Money: makes the world go round. make as much as you can.
37. Heartache: makes you stronger.
38. Love: is important and comes by rarely.
39. Time: is money and is therefore precious. hah!
40. Divorce: should be last resort.
to end off.
here's a poem that i found was particularly striking.
Voiceless it cries,
Wingless flutters,
Toothless bites,
Mouthless mutters
with that.
goodnight sunshine.
yeni posted at 10:16 PM â¢
Monday, March 12, 2007
in the school library now.
dad says he'd get to my laptop..soon enough.
procrastination wins,
as always.
it's finally the annual march holidays.
and my last one as a secondary school student.
and it's gonna be spent productively, cause i say so.
i've had a good, albeit a not so productive start to my holidays.
yeahyeah. i'll start being productive after this post.
had a girls night out with anna lyd and megan.
started with a visit to st luke's hospital in the morning.
and gosh, i've nv felt so inadequate before.
all the hokkien teochew cantonese speaking old folks.
i was so relieved whenever they could speak mandarin.
makes me feel so, ashamed that i can't even speak my own dialect properly.
actually, scrap that.
i can't even speak mandarin fluently.
so much for higher chinese.
then anna and i headed to church.
don't ask me why, don't even start.
strictly spur of the moment decision.
mhm.all i can say is that they've changed, so much.
somehow, going back, it feels so familiar yet so unfamiliar.
you wanna be part of it, yet don't want to.
it's strange.
but again, we just din fit in.
nor feel welcome.
ah, it just din feel church-y, homely.
but fear not, as yeni always does, she had some fun of her own there.
after that, we headed over to town where we met lydia and megan.
went to kino and yoshinoya.
ah, kino.
it's so overwhelmingly, nice to be in there.
and god, books are expensive.
especially books without stains and dog-earred pages.
just the way it should be.
then we went to
clarke quay.
i liked it.
the river walk, quaint cake shops, the new mall, ambience.
haha.and we had a hilarious time.
and the look on lydia's face when she saw the flight of stairs at the mrt station.
it was priceless.
she called four flights of stairs a "mountain" and the next floor the "summit".
haha! you need some exercise babes.
so that night, it was
megan the emo goth chick.
lydia the da xiao jie
anna the big sister.hahhah.
and yeni the, i duno. fill in the blanks yourself.
i had a blast.
woke up EARLY.
maama and daddy brought us to suntec area.
ate at billy bombers, oh god. the portions are, HUGE.
shopped ard.
then headed to the conventiona hall.
2006 IT fair.
it was positively swarming with people.
flooding if you may.
ah, the hazards of being short.
you get pushed, your feet gets stepped on repeatedly, and it gets hard to breathe after awhile.
tell me why i hate crowds again.
BUT, for all that.
i got my new camera.
ah, its b-e-a-uuuutiful.
mama was feeling all generous and spent 500 whopping bucks on my Canon Ixus i7, in sepia.
i stayed up till abt 2plus playing ard with it.
at first, i swear.
i almost hyperventilated when i saw all the parts that came with the camera.
be it the USB card reader, the compact power adaptor or somply the memory card.
i had no idea.
haha.but after jase, sammie and the trusty manual's help.
im good.
caught the local film "just follow law" with my family.
i enjoyed it, alot actually.
one word that probably describes it best would be that it is very Singaporean.
i duno, it probably sounds lame to some of you.
but no, im not ashamed to say that i actually liked it, a lot.
just like i enjoyed "i not stupid" and "i not stupid too".
you know, the thing about some people, is that,
they find it embarrassing to be Singaporean.
they deem local productions inferior to foreign ones.
less marketable, yes.
to a certain extent, dialect Singlish and all.
and strangely, it's probably the same group of people who think Chinese is uncool.
they'd probably give anything to be white.
saddening really, cause i for one, am proud of my roots.
i feel ashamed that i can't speak mandarin or cantonese well, enough.
mhm.this issue has been weighing on my mind a fair bit
don't ask me why though.
i do not encourage Singlish.
i try not to do "lah"s and "lor"s and i don't do "sia"s and "worxxx"s.
hah, God forbid.
i'm all for proper English.
but really, it's a double-edged sword.
why is it that we can adapt to "cool", "rocks", "sucks".
what is it that makes "sian", "sabo", "shiok" hard to adapt for others?
cos it's not english perhaps?
but eradicating all these slangs from local films would probably make it less personal to Singaporeans.
guess it all depends on what group of people the film is targeting at.
at teh end of these jottings of my senseless musing,
i still haven't come up with a conclusion!
this is bad.
1) i'm still equally, outraged?disappointed? at the lack of support from Singaporeans for local productions.
i mean. i say i just watched "just follow law" or "i not stupid too" and people can actually say it's LAME or DUMB without actually watching it.
it's so annoying really.
2) i still feel it isn't inferior. BUT improvements can be made.
ultimately, i believe a good film is one that is personal, one that you can relate to.
though the type of humour they use can be a little crude, perhaps low-class even.
but ah, who says everything must be irony and puns and wit and whatnot.
sometimes, we do need some hokkien jokes and butt-scratching.
esp if it's done by Fann Wong.
3) Chinese is NOT uncool.
really, it isn't. not to be at least.
though i'm bad at it verbally, i'd get all the words in a cheng yu but i'd end up permutating everything ard.haha!
but i'd LOVE to be able to speak like anna.
senseless ranting.
oh yeah.
if you do have anything to say abt this, go leave a tag.
i'd love to hear what you have to say.
at least, if i come up with a conclusion soon enough, my mind would stop whirring.
yeni posted at 2:50 PM â¢
Friday, March 09, 2007
my laptop conked out.
and i wonder why.
so it'd probably be awhile before you see me back online and blogging.
yea i know.
you'll miss me.
haha.make me happy and nod will you?
life's been pretty, alright.
the little things here and there, nothing big really.
march holidays are coming up real soon.
but, instead of play, it's time to study HARD.
so jase has left already.
so has lini,
julian too,
and man, it haven't come to terms with it yet.
it feels so..unreal.
like, two weeks ago,
we were still gorging on chocolates and wine at Fullerton.
i wish.
but owell.
life's gotta move on.
school/work has gotta start(for them).
better this way actually, logically.
but don't you guys worry.
december would be here before we know it.
and we'll find some other crazy things to do.
just know that i'll be missing y'all.
and that y'all are constantly in my mind.
thx for the gift card, the geishas, the godiva, the chocolate buffet, the cakes, the key chain, the dinner, the cards, the things you left behind cos you luggage was too heavy, the fun, the laughter and all the love.
damn i sound like im dying.
lini jason and julian.
ilu, imy.
yeni, the lil sister :p
p.s. go figure THAT. hah!
yeni posted at 10:46 AM â¢
Monday, March 05, 2007
yeni says:
if there were one thing you disliked most abt gals in general.what would that be?
whether its something they all do or say or ask
yeni says:
XIX says:
that they dont seem to digg me
XIX says:
i mean what's up with that man!
yeni says:
erm.i was looking for a serious ans.
try again.
yeni says:
cmon now is the time to
yeni says:
to whine abt women
yeni says:
other then their lack of interest in you that is
XIX says:
why would i whine about girls to a girl
XIX says:
and betray the sacred brotherhood?
yeni says:
very clever you.
yeni says:
yeni says:
ah fine
see, im puttin together materials for..something impt.
XIX says:
what's the something important?
XIX says:
project work?
yeni says:
haha.a list
yeni says:
a very impt list that would
help females all over the world.
yeni says:
yeni says:
can you just ans the damn qn dear?
XIX says:
ah hah!
XIX says:
XIX says:
trying to cheat me into betraying my breathren
yeni says:
oh but come contribute to The List.
it would greatly benefit the female population.
its a great cause
XIX says:
now why would i care about benefiting the female population
XIX says:
what's in it for me
oh wow.
so after painstakingly gathering feedback from some guys.
digging and probing and plying i meant.
here's what i got.
a new list..
*cue sound effects
10 things men actually dislike abt women
1) their temperament : them acting like their mood is an excuse do whatever they want, at the expense of others.
2) their too subtle hints. just say what you mean. men get sick of guessing we'll talk another time= i want to talk now. im fine = im not fine at all you freak!
3) how they are never happy with whatever answers used for the the classic "am i fat?" question. even worse, when a fat girl asks if she's fat. there's no damn way out of it.
4) how they think being aloof can be attractive. looking like an unfriendly bitch isn't sexy.
5) how they constantly check other girls out.
6) how they constantly worry abt nothing and everything in particular (she hates me. he thinks im fat. he thinks she's prettier than me. i look ugly in red)
7) how she doesn't apologise when she's late. yes a cute grin brings you to many places, but good manners are essential.
8) how she always expects the guy to make the right decisions. bringing her to the right place, appear at the right times, read her moods exactly as it is etc.
9) how she expects the guy to pay when he doesn't want to.
10) how she digs for compliments. if a compliment is due, fine. but fishing for compliments make her seem insecure. a confident woman is sexy. and sexy is an attitude, it's how you carry yourself.
the woes of a female.
yeni posted at 9:16 PM â¢