Wednesday, November 29, 2006
and off my hair went.
decided to chop off my tresses after many months of careful deliberation.
my hairdresser was extremely reluctant.
but off it went.
to the point of no return.
though i almost HYPERVENTILATED when i saw all my hair on the floor.
but i love my hair now.
i really do.
feel lik a satisfied Cheshire cat.
ok, my to-do list for dec.
1) compile my homework. (eng, chi, chem, amath and emath)
2) lose weight
3) teach lini volleyball
4) do homework
5) see the doctor
6) lose ALOT of weight.
7) christmas shopping
8) catch up with nads, anna, zhihan, alvin, anil and LINI!
9) stop snacking.
10) go to Ikea
ok,that's about it.
i think.
yeni posted at 9:33 PM â¢
oh my goodness.
i still can't believe i'm back home.
melbourne was a blast.
i had my fair share of freezing my ass off (yes, in spring), horseriding, fishing, cherry-picking, waterfall seeing, sliding down huge slides, penguins, optical illusions, log cabins, 12apostles, fearing that we'd run down a kangaroo or wallaby, endless mountains, cow-spotting, the beautiful bountiful blur sea and etc.
you get the point.
shan't go on and on abt every highlight.
ok fine, just some.
bear with me. =)
it was the UNBEARABLE SEVEN HOUR flight there.a fat person sat in front of me, and a fat person sat behind me. that sucked.
reached melb at arnd 3am melb time.
was freezing.
siblings and i tried to blow mist from our mouths. HA HA!
rented a car and set out to look for lini's apt.
failed miserably.
asked abt a million people for directions, namely, two indians at a 7-11 PETROL KIOSK. haha!
found lini at abt 5am.
went to Great Ocean Road and saw the sea.
compared to sentosa, it was absolutely breath-taking.
took a gazillion photos.
fast forward.
went to see abt..4waterfalls.
had to climb and climb and climb to dunno where and finally reach the thing.
took ALOT of pictures there and had "see who can put their feet in the water the longest" competition with my family. and the water is freezing cold.
joey won, hands down.
fast forward.
went horseriding.
my butt ached for days after that.
but did the basic trotting and cantering and whatnot.
my horse was called..shites.forgot.
but it was the bully.
kept nosing other horses.
we rode thru this super secluded beach, yes BEACH. and some forest lik thingie and grasslands and all.
fast forward.
cherry picking was quite fun.
it was lik $5 entry fee and then pay for whatever the amount of cheeries you pick.
so we paid the 5bucks and went in and just picked and ate in the garden.
then we went out empty-handed.
oh, and we had some "see who can spit the cherry seed the furthest" competition.
needless to say, joey won, hands down.
i was second tho. =)
fast forward.
the accomodation plans were..actually,there were none to speak off.
my parents din book the hotels.we just stayed wherever there were motels.
there was this once, we looked till 1-pm and still couldnt find any.
we were so desperate, we contemplated sleepin in the car.
then FINALLY, we spotted The Cottage.haha.
the best motel we stayed in tho, was the log cabin.
it was awesome.
you wake up to kangaroos at your window, and i'm NOT exaggerating(*sp), tho i sound lik i am.
but seriously, took silent videos of them.
cos the log cabin was just beside this grassy area and kangaraoos go there.
HOWEVER, they scatter when they see you.
so no, i can't pat them.
fast forward.
went fishing for my FIRST time and caught a rainbow trout.
tho the damn fishes kept eatin the bait and runnin, erm, swimmin away.
think im just too slow.
fast forward.
saw the 12apostles but couldn't figure out the faces for nuts.
they looked lik faceless rocks to me actually.
fast forward.
went to Philip Island, the Penguin Place and saw the Penguin Parade.
and boy, were they adorable or what.
they were the Little Penguins. they are abt 3inches tall. and you see them wobble up the beach and into their little barrow. god. and the way they mates is more barbaric then us humans. the male penguin literally throw another male penguin aside, takes his gal and pushes her into his barrow. haha!
and we visited the optical illusions place were i saw myself fat, thin(ooohh lala!), short, tall(oooohhh lala!) and curvy(yummy) on their mirrors. we played INTELLECTUALLY enriching games and took weird goofy photos on thir cool cameras which they later put on display. i tried tellin the lady that those were too unglam, but to my utter dismay, she just smiled and put a more unglam one of me smashin my face into the camera lense. she thot it was cute. dammit. haha!
and we went down this slide that was about 180degrees.and im not kidding. we had to wear some kinda suit.
and i almost had a heart attack.
and btw, the playgrounds in melb are super cool.
compared to sg that is.
i felt so deprived there, so we all decied to relive our childhood and play lik kids.
and we did.=)
oh and the mazes there are..erm..pretty challenging.
actually, i think i just suck at mazes.
came in last in almost EVERY maze we came across.
damn.that was long.
those of you who are actually still readin this, you must either:
a) be real bored
b) love reading and want to "devour" every word on this blog
c) really love me and wanna know abt my life ( in such cases, i love you too,haha!)
pictures coming soon.
and weird videos maybe.
oh and those of you who missed lini as much as i did, she's back in Sg.
till about feb.
so till then, i might be a tad bit more preoccupied than normal.
yeni posted at 7:18 PM â¢
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
mama: are you sure one suitcase is enough for two of you?
yewi and yeni: YES.(nod our heads emphatically)
mama: okok. if anything, i've still got an extra. you let me know after you pack.
(after yewi and yeni took all the clothes that they needed/wanted for the trip and placed it nicely and neatly beside the bed, yewi lugged in the suitcase. yeni puts all her tops into the bleddy case and stopped. yewi looked at the space left and went..)
yewi: MUMMY! we need another suitcase. yeni is such a freak!
turns out, yeni din even have enough space in her OWN suitcase, she had beg yewi to let her tompang(sp*) some stuff in HER suitcase.
and i thought OBS helped me.
so anyway, i'll be away in australia with my wacko family till the 30th.
and damn, will i miss..
edible chinese food.
no la.
i will miss all my darlings!
shan't attempt to name them out in the open so as not to incur the wrath of those who THINK they are my darlings but who are not actually my darlings.
oh what the hell,
im talkin crap.
anyway!i'm going to see all my babies tmr!
bringin the kids out on a
field trip to the science centre!
cool or WHAT!
i'm sooo psyched!
cant wait to see the kids,
cant wait to see my lini!
oooh yea!
ok im gushing.
ok i'll stop.
so for now,
you guys tkcare in annoyingly
rainy singapore.
& i'll be in
sunny australia!
couldn't resist that.
for real now.
i'll be off.
will update when i reach.
so till next time all ye faithful readers of thy very
interesting blog.
yeni posted at 11:47 PM â¢
anna and i went to singapore's latest baby, Vivo City, to watch Step Up.
Though i've been to VivoCity a couple of times already, yesterday was the FIRST time i actually shopped there.
and holy ga moly, the place is HUGE!
abit TOO huge in my opinion.
like too spacious.
but anyway,
the shops there are quite cool.
abit on the high-ends (think takashimaya and wisma atria),
but still nice.
Forever 21 and Pull and Bear tops my list though.=)
so anyway, anna and i were just browsing through the racks at Forever 21
when this guy approached me.
he looked abit like the Kids Central guy, whatshisname-lai.
so he came and very formally asked me..
him: Excuse me, but may i request your female opinion on a certain issue i'm dealing with right now?
me: Erm, yea. ok.
him: see, i'm trying to find a gift for this female fren of mine, and it's her 21st bday, but i'm abit lost. any suggestions?
me: mmhm. is she a special fren? haha!
him: oh nonono. just a..fren. just, a fren. you know. fren.
me: oh.platonic fren?
him: yes. platonic fren.
me: (grins) right. is she a girly girl, chic/stylish girl, sexy girl, or a tomboyish girl?
him: erm. i'm not too sure. i think she has split personalities man. haha!
me: oh. mmhm. do you even know her size?
him: (taken aback and glances at my boobs)
me: (stuttering) i mean, her SIZE. like clothes.
him: (embarassed)oh ya. erm. ya i do.
me: (mumbles)mmhm. maybe you shld just do accessories or bags or sth la.
him: (visibly mortified) oh yea sure. thanks alot.
yeni posted at 11:21 PM â¢
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
forgive me if i'm weird.
but is it just me?
or do you all get the shivers when you watch a good performance?
be it watching someone dancing, acting, singing or anything-ing.
i dunno abt you,
but i just watched "
Step Up" with Anna.
and it was nothing short of spectacular.
to me, that is.
and no doubt, it gave me the shivers.
i think if you're a dance person,
you'd probably love it.
just like you'd
Step Up

Take the lead,
Save the last dance,
Shall we dance?,
Center stage

i sound like such a dance freak.
and from my previous posts,
a kid freak as well.
that's me.
i really miss the stage stuff.
all the rehearsals to get it perfect.
all the adrenaline rushing thru your veins and the tingling feeling down your spine
just when you hear the first notes of your song playing.
or when everybody's helping somebody with their makeup and costume.
or when somebody freaks out and claims to forget their steps while waitin for their item.
or when you peak out and see a sea of audience, whether it's 50 or 500 of them.
or best of all, when they applaud you at the end of it all.
it's insanity.
i love all these.
some people hate it,
they call it stage fright.
but i love it.
call me a freak.

oh, and there's absolutely nothing hotter than a hot guy who can dance well.damn, makes me go woozy watching. =X
yeni posted at 11:51 PM â¢
Saturday, November 11, 2006
present to you, all my
lil babies,
The Children's Workshop:

IMAGINATION is more important than knowledge.
Imagination circles the world."
the first picture i took in the kindergarten.
it's a HUGE poster, bigger than me.

Steph's class. Their item onstage require them to be

Dylan and Jayden decided to be
MISCHIEVIOUS buddies during full dress rehearsal.
that's the only picture of Jayden i managesd to take cause he's too active.
but Jayden is SUPER smart.
he was the one that hinted all the answers of the taxi colours to Mila.


Oscar and YuJie.
The Lunch gang. They're the only two to stay back for lunch in my class. Sometimes Natasha joins in too though.

They'd rather laze around then eat. TYPICAL.

Caught in the act!
Thumb sucking is BAD YuJie!

Ohoh.I'm Sorry Mish Yen.

Oscar: can i have some cake since i finished my food first?

Natasha the GENIUS. she's only 2 but she speaks in FULL sentences.
ever ready to pose for a photograph too.
and her mama's an actress k!
oh yeaa, and i have to sing to her while she pees. helps her..erm.pee better.

Will, the Mila-Bully. but he's a good kid overall. This's the ONLY shot i got of him though,cause he loves the camera TOO MUCH.

Guess who's in the house people??

Meet MILA the gorgeous babe! her eyes are..crazy beautiful.

do you wants some mish yen?

it's not me mish yen!Will hit me first!

Zachery. adorable ain't he?
his favourite phrase?
"oh dear" & "oh no".

i wish with all my heart, that
he stays THIS cute ten years down the road.

Dylan smiling.

Dylan not smilin.not smiling cuter right?

Marco and Dylan.
Marco is extremely naughty. his saving grace? he's smart.
he can make a total mess of the room, but the way he melts your heart when he says "sorry mish yen" saves him any punishment. imagine the puppy dog eyes and's irresistable.haha.

LIAM! he is one COOL KID. he tells me to go fight the "MONSTERS" with him. haha!
oh!and his favourite phrase?
"read this to me mish yen,please", and then he shoves a book into my face.
i LOVE liam.

oooh.i just LOVE this photo.
he's Kei Soong. but we call him KK.
his eyes..look sooo..dopey.

i had a HARDDDD time handling her.
she just din like me at first. kept ignoring me and pushin me away.
FINALLY, after i helped her during a toilet-trip, she took a liking to me and became my best fren. haha!

Matilda. she's from steph class. looks alil like eunice olsen right?
hmm.then again, maybe it's just me.

Matilda again. pretty eh?

Jean. However, she's French, so it's pronouced more like

Blenda! she was the First Kid i talked to on my First day of work.
i miss those lil imps.
yeni posted at 11:32 PM â¢
went for UAN's Dance Planet monthly performance tonight.
and man,
i was blown away or what.
they were sooo good.
i was simply awestruck.
and have i mentioned how fat i felt watching them?
all the females dancers were tall and skinny and SKINNY dammit.
but the highlight of the whole event?
yutaki's off the cuff presentation.
it was amazing i tell you.
he got pulled onto stage by the performers, also his students, as a form of "sabotage".
so he very spontaneously just shook his booty and executed a few very graceful/coolio moves.
and there he got it.
a breath-taking performance.
just like THAT.
he din even have to snap his fingers.
his dance abilities just takes the cake man.
and one day,
i hope to dance like that.
yeni posted at 11:18 PM â¢
Thursday, November 09, 2006
my brother is growing up!
he's going for a mission trip to thailand and has willing contributed $300.
that's so..unlike him.
i still rmb when lini.joey and i went for missions last year and i was stilll worrying for him.
sending last min texts to alvin to remind mark to take extra care of joey and to stay clean and healthy and not to misplace him cash and whatnot.
now,he's all grown up..kinda.
he's vice captain of his rugby team and he had to choose whether HE wanted to accept the MVP OR top scorer award.
sounds so bigshot eh?
kinda proud of him.
everybody go awwww.
speaking of thailand,
i really do miss the kids there.
actually,i miss thailand!
went there for missions in 05'.
went to Roi-Et, this lil village which is a painful 7hr drive from Nong Khai.
i have pretty bad memory,
but it was sooo everntful it's hard to forget.
there was the freaky bathroom singing, and the temple ghost sighting, the very very hospitable church people, the lil kids, the great escape!, and so many other things.
lini shld know what im talking abt.
she was my roomie.
actually,she's almost forever my roomie.
but i really enjoyed myself and benefitted from thailand.
here are FINALLY some pictures.
pictures of The Children's Workshop Kindergarten coming soon!

the children look so miserable here cos they all wanted to take the picture cos they love the camera oh-so-much.

i wasn't gonna grab him.just wanted the photographer, ton, 5, a little boy, to come into the picture. haha. clockwise from the boy in the red shirt, waa, me, somm, mot1, peng,mot2.

this is my sweet peng.
she was my best 'phuen', friend in thai.
see the necklace i keep wearing when i was there?she painstakingly made it, bead by bead, for me. i still have it. and when i din eat breakfast, she made me toast with condense milk cut lovingly into a heart shapes. she and somm also moulded sticky rice into heart shapes for me too. so sweet right? she's very sensible too! when we din have a translator in our midst, she's read out thai for us too! even though she was soooo shy! and every time she sees me, she'll run to me and hug me and hold my hand till i leave.

my darling waa. he's 13 this year. the first time we met, he threw ice down the back of my shirt. throughout the time i was there, he just REFUSED to kiss me nor say 'waa rak yeni", waa loves yeni.haha.i kept doing that to him to provoke him but he always din do it back.till the day i was leaving, he brought my a cup of flowers he picked himself. crying, he kissed my cheek gently and said "waa rak yeni".

our translator. now that i look, she looks alot like furonda of america's next top model. ok ANYWAY. i had wanted to write cards in THAI for the kids to go along with her candy that i buy for them everytime i had the opportunity to. cos they REALLY REALLY treasure the candy ok? so anyway, i wrote the note in english, and she translated it to thai and i wrote it as nice as i could for the kids. oh my goodness, they were sooo appreciative it touches me.

ken and luwei at the roiet church grounds. they look kinda..cute-ishly blur right?
ah whatever.haha.

lini and i in COOLio najip ali shades. we were in some mall in thailand.

just for the heck of it. this is yewi. she's my lil sis.she's a gymnast with SIX freaking pecs. she's twelve btw.
that's all the photos for now.
going to sentosa tmr!
yay me!
bruised arms.
yeni posted at 8:13 PM â¢
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
a smile is best when
it is genuine.
had my photoshoot today.
damn was it nervewrecking or what.
but i LOVED it!
but can you believe this?
i actually have to BUY my OWN photo!
like what the hell.
at least now,i can finally:
EAT whatever i like.
2) stop working my ass off
3) chop my hair off, till it's REAL short, just the way i like it!
poor boy.having your exams still eh?haha.still,all the best!and though i might be ALIL late in wishing you, but who's fault is it huh!haha.afterall,better late then nv right?HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
five people i miss the most now:
oh god i cant express how much i wanna bear hug you right NOW!wish i was in melb NOW to check that you're studying REAL HARD!hahaha.cant wait to go over.afterall, the rainbow comes after the rain right?exams = rain, yeni =
i know i's only been abt 4days since i last saw you.but
i still miss you dammit!haha.i'm sooo used to seeing you almost 24/7 la.arg!must.see.anna.before i go melb ok?=)
girl.the last time i saw you was the second last day of school i think.and the last email i received from you was on the..let's see..14th's been..let's see..
26 days!aiyo!you shld be ashamed of yourself lady!haha.but i miss you darling!we shall do sth crazy (according to your standards since you dun listen to me) someday soon ok?love you.
awww.darling're only two but you
stop traffic with your BIGGG ADORABLE probably dunno how to read but what the hell.haha.
ZHIHAN. weird right?think the last time i saw you was our spontaneous KFC outing.which was abt 10million years ago man.haha.must meet up someday for our
hotcake date AFTER your dreadful A's ok?=) haha.
yeni posted at 10:24 PM â¢
Monday, November 06, 2006
today's my last day of work at The Children's Workplace.
it has been sooo rewarding.
no doubt tiring, but it's every bit worth it.
they were supp to be hiring me, megan and steph but ms huiling said they couldn't afford to hire us cos they can't pay us. lik what on earth!
so steph and i, desperates for cash, went to look for a job.
so far, we have 3 "maybe"s.
it's either
1) Simply Bread
2) Haagen Dazz
3) Mr. Prata
haha!talk abt weird anyway.we shld know by the end of this week.i think.
from this whole job attachment thing our school assigned us, i've learnt so many things.
for one, i've learnt patience.
if you know me personally, you shld know that i'm rather..hehheh.impatient.
i'm the kind that wants to see results NOW.
i want many things quick and efficient.
but after being arnd kids for so long, patience is the key.
they take abt 15 mins to settle down for snacktime.
and abt 3mins to wash their hands.
and 3mins to peepee. get the point.haha.
and i've learnt that as much as i LOVEEEE kids, they are NOT easy to take care.
practically everything has to be safe.
water has to be poured into the cup 1/3 full to prevent spillage.
you have to be ready to ans weird questions like "why can't you see stars in the day?".
you've gotta be able to not be grossed out by their saliva.
gotta assist them in blowing their noses.
aiya.just so many many things.
but sth i've learnt thru this whole thing is that you gotta know when to discipline them.
children are my soft spot.
sometimes, a smile and a 'pwease mish yen" makes me go "ahhh alright".
but now i've learnt when it's necessary to give a 5min timeout.
i know, all these sounds so trivial,but it matters!least to me la.
ha!wait till you get your own kids.
least me steph and megan would know how to change diapers.
and know how to make baby food colourful and appetizing.
and you know what?
i've grown to be addicted to these kids.
surprise surprise.
yesterday anna and i went to sentosa yesterday.
i had wished with all my heart for the sun to come out after soooo many rainy days.
to no avail.
tho it din rain, it was still pretty cloudy.
we played volleyball for abt 5hours with strangers and slowly became friends.
now spare my a moment to complain.
my arms now have little red blue black and green bruises.
and there are mini cuts on my legs cause of the sand.
which hurts like HELL when i bath.
and i ache sooo bad.
i cant even take off my shirt or brush my teeth without cringing in the process.
i had a leg cramp in the middle of last night while i was still sleeping.
majorly PAINFUL.
poor old me.
everybody go awwww.
but it was great fun yesterday.
took loads of photos which i'm STILL too lazy to upload (sorry!).
met a gal named Vincci(yes, the shoe shop name) and her gang and played vball with them.
played with a bunch of 24-year-olds who used to be secondary schmates but were there for their reunion-thingie, and played vball with them.
met this model lik girl(1.75m) called amelia, who looks ALOT like Gina from America's Next Top Model, and her stout bf who's pretty good at volleyball.
had this death match with a bunch of indians who were PRETTY nice.
and ate at yoshinoya with Vincci and company.
went home and collapsed on my bed.
fun eh?=)
looking forward to tmr's job-looking and wed's shoot.
then sleeping the whole of thurs and going to sentosa again of fri.
then have a dance thingie to attend on sat and
family day on sun.
yay me!=)
so eventful .. hehheh.
to all the currently exam-stressed people that i actually know now(though you'll most probably be reading your textbooks and NOT my blog):
sister!all the best!it's only till this fri!and i'll be there before your very own eyes next week!ok?and don't you slack off missy.rmb our 2N promise.hahaha!and don't do the "i'll just sleep for 15mins and wake up" thing cause you most probably won't wake up without me!hahaha!so study DAMNNNN hard, and do your best hon!=)
aiya.nothing to say to you study lik mad man.before i sleep still studying, after i wake up STILL'll do well hardworking thing.haha!STILL, all the best and you have my fullest support!=)
JJ're too smart already.just go on dissecting dead bodies mercilessly and you're goin the right way.haha!all the best!
another smartass.just don't forget to put your textbook under the pillow before you sleep.else the information cant diffuse into your head.haha!good luck!
shite!i just realised that it's 730!my 7pm show!
i'll coninue some other time.
plus the photos.
yeni posted at 6:02 PM â¢
Saturday, November 04, 2006
i've got so many things whizzing thru my head now.
but firstly,
wont reveal your age though.
bought her perfume and some eye cream.
and yewi bought her TOP GRADE bird nest. hahaha.
joey is splittin the cost with me. typical. haha.
my daddy bought her the cake, and brought her out to somewhere scandalous.
even I think it's outrageous. haha. with such COOLio parents, n wonder i'm like this. hahaha.
my daddy brought my mummy to C _ _ _ _ H_ _ _ _, the S_ _ _ P C _U_. heh heh. go figure.
i love you mummy!
not that you'll ever read it.
but i still do.=)
you're the best mum ever.
4th day at The Children's Workplace Kindergarten:
you have nabsolutely nooo idea how relieved i am that it's over.
cute as they are on stage, it's the preparation before that that drives you mad.
i had planned to sleep in today since work starts at 330.but i woke up at abt 12 and couldn't sleep summor. surprise surprise.
so i decided to drop by town to collect my mum's bday gift as well as to complete anna's gift. I know, long overdue. haha. but it's DONE!=)
then met steph and went to work together.
started off by blowing a gazillion ballons for the finale.
then proceeded to the holding room to spiff up the kids.
i stepped into the room and man..all hell broke loose.
kids were hanging around the barre for the dance studio and hittin their heads against the mirrors.
they were playin witht he flimsy chairs and experimenting with all sorts of things that they play with in a new environment.
and unfortunately, these kinds things cause panic to rise in my throat.
so.. i went
sayang-ing crying children, puttin on makeup, bribing them to sit still with animal biscuits. the norm. haha.
then it was time to go on stage.
made them hold hands and line up and they had to keep quiet backstage.
but they started to get impatient and made helluva racket with the bells they were holding.
will hit mila again and lo and behold, the principal walks in and sees.
just when i was carrying a crying natasha, will just HAD to strike and the principal just HAD to walk by.
so anyway.
pushed the lil things on stage and they wiggled they lil cute booties arnd.
the parents oohed and aahed and took a million pictures.
it was quite cute la cos some of them jus froze onstage while some danced REAL ENTHUSIASTICALLY. liam even got so excited he threw his bell offstage. hahaha!
all in all, it was a SUCCESS.
everybody was happy.
BUT, imagine my disappointed when i found out that mila has a HOTTTT HOTTTTT daddy. hahaha. he's TAKEN.
he's french and he's super
will try to take a picture of him on monday.
and my family is
eccentric i tell you.
now my siblings are trying to catch a
i almost had a heart attack i tell you.
i sat on the computer chair and put my hand on the table and the lizard was slee[in just 1centimetre away from me.
and i say sleeping becos it din even move!
so joey, being the sadist he is, took a knife and sliced in into half.
but it din die!
joey was laughin lik some evil hyena but when the lizard came to life, he screamed lik a GIRL!
so now, yewi and joey are hunting arnd the dining room for the lizard, which's probably oozing out lizard blood all over the place.
i have no idea why i just said the lizard blood part.
hahah.must be all the kiddy talk this whole week.
and i can officially declare that i SUCK at
yewi was tryin to teach me last night for about ONE WHOLE HOUR but i still cant get it.
i can do cartwheels and rolls and whatnot but i cant do HANDSTANDS.
but yewi's quite patient actually.
quite sweet.
then we had one in our very very very few late night chats.=)
and sth she said struck me.
cos she was saying she was scared cos she just watched some trailer for Grudge2.
btw, steph watched it and said it was scary.hehheh.
and she slept very close to me.
yeni : dun be lousy la.
yewi: but im scared!
yeni: aiya ok,you can hold my shirt.
yewi: i dun get how you can sleep by yourself at night la!it's sooo scary.
yeni: sometimes when i have to sleep myself, i on the lights and radio.
yewi: huh reallly?but i thought you were lik, fearless.
yeni: -silence- no.
yewi: scared of getting fat is not counted lo!-laughs hysterically at her OWN joke-
i was just quite, surprised that she thought of me as
FEARLESS. quite sweet.
yeni's going to church tmr.
not sure what to expect.
a promise is a promise.=)
we'll see.
5 more days!
3 things to do before the big day:
1) sleep more!
2) drink more water
3) eat less!
g'nite =D
for some reason, i miss you nads!email me.
yeni posted at 1:07 AM â¢
Thursday, November 02, 2006
very very messy.
very very noisy.
every part of me wanted to scream.
and for awhile,
i just stood there and blanked out.
there were kids crying.
kids running all over the suditorium.
kids CLIMBING over the chairs and falling down and then crying.
kids who stamps on their snack, cheese sandwich.
kids peeing in their pants.
will hitting mila.
mila cried four times today because of him.
and i got reprimanded for not "taking care of will".
and them marco got a cut n his thumb and INSISTED i put on a plaster for him while i was trying to get two lil buggers off the piano chair.marco almost pulled my shorts off me.
but it was a joy watching the kids gettin so excited over a bus ride.
i occupied them for 20mins just gettin them to tell me the colour of the taxi (it's either blue of yellow or black).
but i was so scared that they'd topple over cos they were so excited they kept standing up on their seats.
had to bribe them with "sheee-weeeetshh" to make wait for their turn to get off the bus too.
but all in all,
today was hysterical.
when i reached home,
i just collapsed on my bed and slept.
tmr's the performance,
and with my whole heart,
i wish the kids and myself all the best.
it's 30bucks per ticket btw.
ah but to watch your kid on stage for a moment,
even if he/she is babbling sth you cant understand,
or doin a wiggling dance
it's priceless.
note to yeni: stop eating chocolate.
just 6 more days.
don't even start.just shut up.
yeni posted at 8:28 PM â¢
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
today was just,exhaustingly chaotic.
but nevertheless, extremely fulfilling.
but i rmb it was super noisy.
and for abt five seconds, i zoned out.
felt abit lik screaming at them for being so noisy.
but i got over it soon.
they way they go
i luf mish yen"
and run up to you and hug you and kiss you,
makes everything right again.
also.megan was officially abused today.
she was made to assist the five year olds memorise their lines.
and to quote alvin,
thats lik "trying to make elephants sit on the toilet bowl".
im expecting total mayhem.
full dress rehearsal ffor the concert on friday.
i just wish with all my heart that the kids don't pee in their costumes.
note to will: i got permission from their parents.
steph and i got caught in the rain on our way home.
then we decided to play in it.
resulting in a mild flu now.
but i think i'm gonna try sleep it off.
but it was hilarious.
we were like, "ok,we'll run across the track."
but we ended up strolling kinda.
and then we saw like streaks of lightning
and go freaked out.
even though the chances of gettin sturck's like one in gazilion,
but it's quite freaky.
and everytime steph saw lightning,she'd swear once.
then we started doing the rain dance and a paul twohill rendition
and cartwheels on the track.
damn funny.
we were stuck in the rain for about 3hours.
lesson of the day:
a child's grwing environment is extremely important.
comparing the children's home i volunteered for and this kindergarten,
they are WORLDS APART.
to end,
i feel
haven't been exercising in eons.
needa go for a jog soon.
when will it stop raining?
yeni posted at 10:40 PM â¢