Tuesday, October 31, 2006
i am so tired i think im just gonna drop dead and die.
ok not THAT bad.but i am sooo tired.im gonna sleep after i update.
too tired to figure out the camera and how to fix which wire into which hole so i can upload the photos.i'll figure somehow,someday.promise.btw,i took helluva lot of photos today.my camera ran outta battery.haha.COULDN'T help it!the kids were IRRESISTABLY ADORABLE! so anyway.im just gonna do highlights of the day cos im too lazy to write in beautiful perfect english.haha.bear with me.BTW,i din swear the whole of today ok!not even "DAMN" or "SHITE"!and knowing me,that's mission impossible.haha!so anyway,here goes:
1) there are kids of ALL SORTS OF NATINALITIES there.rnging from korean, scandinavian(*sp), french, german, russian and all sorts of other words that are long and un-spellable.
2) there is this GORGEOUS lil girl called Blenda who bears an uncanny resemblance to Dakota Fanning.
3) There is this cute lil Korean girl who is incredibly GENIUS. She's called Natasha and i taught her the word "ambulance" today. after a few minutes of talkin to her, she kissed me and went "i like you". everybody go awwww. haha
4) there's this naughty naughty boy called marko who imitated this Indian teacaher accent. Extremely mean, but obscenely hilarious. hehheh.
5) This girl called..i forgot.shite.bad with names.Korean name..she pee-peed in her pants and i helped her changed it. hhaha. she has problems peeing in the toilet. So i have to ask her if she needs to pee every 15mins. just in case. haha. and i sing to her in the toilet..to you know..induce pee. hahaha!
6) When the boys start playing rugby, it's HELL. HELL i tell you. HELL.
7) the attention span of the kids are negligible. really. they took about 15-20mins just to sit down at the table for craft lessons. one goes off to play with something, you can forget about gettin the rest to stay. the trick is in making them think you're interesting. then they'll keep their attention on YOU.
8) i'm gettin HIRED. for your information, now till the 6th. im on crazppy school job attachment. FREE LABOUR. haha. but after the 6th, im gonna get PAID. =) paid to look after kids? wow.=)
last one, promise.
9) know the kind of blonde hair blue eyed little angels with golden ringlets framing their faces? the kinda kids you see on candy boxes? there's this girl(Milla) and boy(Will) who fit the bill. I was highly amused at the boys name.hahaha! so anyway. WILL IS HORRENDOUS. really. naughty naughty boy. apparently, his mama just gave birth to a baby sister and he positively HATES her. and he HATES poor lil Milla too. Milla is the smallest in size in the class and from MY point of view, i think he's jealous of his little sister at home and since Milla is puny and teeny, she reminds him of HIS younger sister. So he makes faces at her, scares her, grabs her, pulls HER face, pinches her and even BITES her. horrible right? he like kinds creeps up to her when nobody is watching and attacks her. then poor Milla will start crying and crying. POOR GIRL.
note to will on tagboard: whats with the "rain rain go away?". haha.
note to lini on tagboard: i am a POSITIVE influence on the children's lives. THAT'S why im gettin HIRED. haha!
yea.i'd love to add pictures but too lazy. PROMISE PROMISE. will come up soon.
to conclude, i'll just list out an observation and one lesson that ive learnt today.
displaying confidence when teaching or talking to a child is essential.
children learn faster and are WILLING to learn.
look forward to tmr's update!
for now,
im off to bed.
yeni posted at 8:26 PM â¢
yeni has learnt
that one of the most comforting things in life
is to have
someone to hold your hand
and guide you in the dark.
(i'm scared of the dark you see.haha.)
can't wait to meet all the kids.
yeaa i know.
call me a ms paedophile(*sp)
i know.
pictures coming up soon!=)
i hope.
g'nite world!=)
yeni posted at 12:00 AM â¢
Sunday, October 29, 2006
just came back from a
quite cool actually.
but shan't bore y'all with my gushing.
instead, let me
educate y'all!
i'm gettin my info off google but i shall simplify it to spare all you anti-reading pro-pictures people.
so here goes:
Halloween has it origins from Celtic Ireland in the 5th century.
The word halloween is actually a simplified version of
All Hallows Eve.
1st of November, All Hollows Day (or All Saints Day) is a Catholic day of observance in honour of
saints. But, in the 5th century BC, in Celtic Ireland,
summer officially ended on October 31. The holiday was called Samhain (sow-en), the Celtic New year.
One story says that, on that day, the spirits of all those who had died throughout the year would come back in search of living bodies to possess for the next year. It was believed to be their only hope for the afterlife. Time and space were believed to
stop during this time, allowing the spirits to mingle with the living.
Naturally, the living did not want to be possessed. So on the night of October 31, villagers would dress up in all manners of ghoulish costumes and noisily paraded around the neighborhood, being as destructive as possible in order to
frighten away spirits looking for bodies to possess.
Sometimes, people who were believed to be possessed already would be burnt alive at the stake so as to teach the spirits a lesson.
The custom of
trick-or-treating originated from a ninth-century European custom called souling. On November 2, All Souls Day, early Christians would walk from village to village begging for "soul cakes," made out of square pieces of bread with currants. The more soul cakes the beggars would receive, the more
prayers they would promise to say on behalf of the dead relatives of the donors. At the time, it was believed that the dead remained roaming for a time after death, and that prayer, even by strangers, could expedite a soul's passage to
lantern custom probably comes from Irish folklore. As the tale is told, a man named
Jack, who was notorious as a drunkard and trickster, tricked Satan into climbing a tree. Jack then carved an image of a cross in the tree's trunk, trapping the devil up the tree. Jack made a deal with the devil that, if he would never tempt him again, he would promise to let him down the tree.
According to the folk tale, after Jack died, he was denied entrance to
Heaven because of his evil ways, but he was also denied access to
Hell because he had tricked the devil. Instead, the devil gave him a single ember to light his way through the frigid darkness. The ember was placed inside a hollowed-out turnip to keep it glowing longer.The Irish used turnips as their "Jack's lanterns" originally.
But later on, people found that pumpkins were far more plentiful than turnips. So the Jack-O-Lantern in America was a hollowed-out pumpkin, lit with an ember.
So put simply, Halloween is a day grew out of the rituals of Celts celebrating a new year, and out of Medieval prayer rituals of Europeans. And today, even many churches have Halloween parties or pumpkin carving events for the kids. After all, the day itself is
only as evil as one cares to make it.
so NOW you know..=D
in advance though.=)
so quick,
get your costumes
and do your thang hon!
for now,
g'night world.=)
yeni posted at 12:34 AM â¢
Thursday, October 26, 2006
toy with FATE
at your own peril
All My LifeBy KC and JojoI will never find another loverSweeter than youSweeter than youAnd I will never find another loverMore precious than youMore precious than youGirl you are Close to me just like my motherClose to me just like my fatherClose to me just like my sisterClose to me just like my brotherYou are the only oneYou're my everything.And for you this song I singAll my lifeI pray for someone like youAnd I thank God that i've finally found you, babyAll my lifeI pray for someone like youAnd I hope that you feel the same way tooYes, I pray that you do love me too.I promise to never fall in loveWith a strangerYou're all that I'm thinking of.I praise the Lord above forSending me your love.I cherish every hugI really love you so muchAll my lifeI pray for someone like youAnd i thank GodThat I've finally found you.All my life I pray for someone like youAnd I hope that youFeel the same way tooYes I pray that you do love me tooYou're all that I ever knowWhen you smile All my face always seems to glowYou're turned my life aroundYou picked me up when I was down(x2)And I hope that you Feel the same way tooYes, I pray that you do love me tooAnd all my lifeI pray for someone like youAnd I thank God that I finally found youAll my lifeI pray for someone like youYes, I pray that you do love me tooAll my lifeI pray for someone like youAnd I thank God that IFinally found youAll my lifeI pray for someone like youYes I pray that you do love me tooAnd all my life I pray for someone like you... ...thank you.
just as how you wrote it for me, here i'm typing it out word for word just for you.
haven't heard this song in ages.
but tonight,
just tonight,
exactly when I thought of you,
the song played on the radio.
how annoyingly dramatic ain't it?
tis' fate i tell ya.
there you go,
through the glass pane and into another world,
away, far far away.
into a world so different from mine.
we made plans.
yes we did.
but now,
your plans are yours.
mine remain mine and mine alone.
how i wish we could turn back time,
how i wish.
but now,
you just go do your thang hon.
take care.
and i wish you all the very
very best.
yeni posted at 12:56 AM â¢
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
WHY IT IS ABSOLUTELY AWESOME TO BE FEMALE:1) SHOPPING!(it is rather peculiar to hear of shopping being a male's favourite activity ain't it?)2) CLOTHES!we can wear anything from skirts to tubes to dresses to halters!guys?HAHAHA!stick to jeans baby!3) MAKEUP!experimenting with makeup is absolutely essential to females.ok fine, not essential. BUT, it's FUN.and it's okay to wear makeup if you're female while it's GAY to wear makeup if you're male!so..erm.hawhaw.
girls. we can put on hairbands, dangly earrings, shiny bracelets and the works. so REJOICE.
5) damsel in distress.EVIL.i know. but it works. especially if your guy is an MCP. so.. go figure.=)
too lazy to think of more. but to end, let me give you girls two cool quotes i've come across this week.
eva mendes:
"IT'S FUN TO BE A WOMAN. IT'S FUN TO FLIRT, WEAR MAKE UP AND HAVE BOOBS."you said it girl!not sure who:"A WOMAN IS LIKE A TEABAG. YOU NEVER KNOW HOW STRONG SHE IS, TILL YOU PUT HER IN REAL HOT WATER."so..it's not so bad being female afterall ain't it?other then having to give birth.and having to take care of your kids and work at the same time.and having your period and mentrual cramps and PMS.and having to be submissive to your husband, in-laws and etc.and having to not be vain YET be attractive ENOUGH.oh what the hell.
yeni posted at 12:55 AM â¢
i got posted to a
KINDERGARTEN for job attachment!!!
i am sooooo damnnnnnnnn
two weeks with nothing but
kids all day?
who's complaining!=)
i'm gonna take sooo many pictures and post em.
i promise.
cos so many people are complaining about how my blog is sooo wordy.
so pictures will come soon.
i promise!
im so
on a not so pleasant note..
floodingus with chinese homework.
because our olevel express chinese is coming(30th oct)
and she keeps going on about how we have to pin le(chinese) for the last few days.
hua yu is NOT COOL!
haha.was thinking about that cheesy "hua yu cool" campaign slogan thingie.
but i DID finish my zuowen.
aiya.good enough la.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY GRANDMA![we call her 'popo'(*sp) and she's 69 this year]not that she'd ever read this or understand this,but you know. haha.i still rmb when i was younger, she was the one who brought me to ballet lessons and dyslexic lessons. she was the one who made milo and horlick drinks for me when i stayed over at her place. she was the one that gave me money to play at the arcade. all these may seem so insignificant, but it means so much to me.
my granma is a great woman.
she was forced to marry my granpa at the early age of 13.
gave birth to 5 children (gave birth to my mama when she was 16).
didn't like my granpa at first cos she said he is an MCP and kept running awau from home.
opened a kaya factory with him.
slowly, they bought several houses and shops and rented them out as a an alternate source of income.
she has 13 grandchildren.
she wakes up before 7am every morning to do tai chi.
she dyes her hair every two weeks cos she's HIP.
and she takes care of my granpa(been sick for approx 3.5years) , takes care of him very very well.
cool or what?
i love you popo!
yeni posted at 12:10 AM â¢
Saturday, October 21, 2006
unearthly hour.
but i still can't sleep.
ok.probably because i didin't go to school today and woke up at 3pm.
yewi introduced me to this game called Club Penguin.
and i'm hooked.
it's quite lame actually.
but it's ADDICTIVE.
you know..just like how addictive those snow peas at those Japanese reataurants are.you just keep popping em' into your mouth.
yea.Club Penguin is like that.you can't stop playing once you start.
well.i can't.
oh.and dammit.
got posted to some Joseph Seow Dental Clinic or something along those lines for my job attachment.
and for someone who hates the dentist with a passion,
that sucks.
i attended Daniel's farewell dinner today.
it felt a little strange.
you know,
i was just thinking.
it is very important to know who you are and what you really want.
because you may not be who you think you are.
and what you think you want may not be what you actually really want.
before doing anything,
before you do anything stupid.
or more importantly,
before someone gets hurt.
don't do things because they appeal to you at that point of time.
and you know what.
you always end up wanting things you can't get or shldn't have.
now whoever said life is unfair,
made helluva lot of sense.
5 things/persons i miss right now:
1) lini, DAMN alot.
2) nads. haha!i know you LOOOVE seeing your name of my blog. But, seriously. i miss you!
3) drama/dance class
4) fried food. yes, i'm serious.haha.
5) i miss..my childhood.YEAHH.i miss being a kid. haha.
i am so awfully random.
my thought are bouncing all over the place.
before i confuse y'all..
good night.=)
yeni posted at 4:09 AM â¢
Thursday, October 19, 2006
wo xiang qing chu le!
(it's chinese dearies.)
my translation:i have thought through it!
i did
NOT study in vain.
though it's pretty safe to say that my results are
But at least i know i'm better off than those who slacked the year away AND scored badly.
at least i've got my
foundation straight.
ok good.
now no more moaning about results and how CARELESS i was.
i know i know my stuff.
so there.
now i've just gotta tell my parents...
ok.enough self conversing for a day.
NOW, let me share some fascinating stuff that i've learnt from a book i found in my parents's room.
the book is called "from fat to fit".
and these little nuggets of information has served to spur me on to be healthier!
so read and absorb =)
1. About 300,000 deaths per year result from obesity
2. Obese people are more susceptible to disorders of the digestive system.
3. Obesity increases the risks of certain types of cancer such as colon cancer, gall bladder cancer, kidney cancer and postmenopausal breast cancer
4. Its is statiscally proven that obese people are generally slower in their reflex actions and have comparably inadequte co-ordination between muscles and nervous system; therefore is more prone to falls and injuries. A common matter of plump babies tumbling more often than healthy ones.
5. An obese person consumes more energy for doing any physical work and therefore leads to decreased efficiency. As they are carrying their full weight around, it is no wonder they get breathless after comparably less physical exertion.
6. If muscles of an obese person are loose and weak, he/she is unable to support the internal organs and therefore are often victims of hernia.
7. Obese people often suffer from pain in the feet due to the arch of their feet collapsing/getting crushed by the weight on them. Most obese people have flat feet.
8. Obese people are more prone to varicose veins(coloured veins due to slow blood circulation)
9. It is statistically proven that an obese person's breathing is generally shallower as compared to a healthy person's. As oxygen and carbon dioxide are not fully expelled, his/her body becomes a storehouse of toxins.
10. Expectant obese mothers put not only themselves but also their foetus at risk as they generally do not have a luxury of normal deliveries of their kids. Extra fat adversely affects their nerves and endocrine glands, resulting in a higher likelihood of menorrhagia(prolonged period) , infertility and several disorders of menstruation. Problems like toxaemia(bacteria in blood) , difficult deliveries, post delivery bleeding or death of child or mother, have higher probability of surfacing due to obesity.
11. Obese people perspire more profusely due to early and generally more severe degenative changes in the kidneys.
12. Higher risks of failed surgeries as compared to healthy people. Due to the mass of fat on an obese person, it is more difficult for the surgeon to locate affected area. Also, it is also more dangerous to administer anaesthesia to obese patients as it is likely to adversely affect his/her breathing (due to shallow breaths). Convalescence(recovery) period is also statistically longer than healthy people.
13. Higher chances of developing psychological disorders such as inferiority complex, depression, lack of self confidence and etc.
14. It is statiscally proven that it is harder for obese people to find suitable jobs, life partners and getting their desired ready-made garments due to social discrimination.
15. Obesity shortens the life span and leads to premature death.
never knew eh?
oh.and if you've got things to add, feel free to leave a tag.=)
i hope this scares the crapalooloo outta you and motivates you to lead a healthier lifestyle.
now you!sittin there in your underwear, watchin tv,
go hit the gym! *grin.
yeni posted at 3:47 PM â¢
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
why am i so damn friggin STUPID.
why why why.
why did i not define.
why did i not skip the qn i din know how to do and move on to do the ones i knew how to.
why did i waste 12marks lik that.hell, that's two grades.
yeni.why are you so stupid.yeni.
why are you so damn DUMB. these thoughts persistently echo in my head.
somehow, the harder you try, the harder you fall.
better to have tried your best and failed then to not do your best and still fail.right?
why am i so damn
and i studied so damn hard dammit.
yeni is feeling..damn
yeni posted at 8:05 PM â¢
Monday, October 16, 2006
10 VERY RANDOM THINGS YOU PROBABLY DON'T KNOW ABOUT YENI:i can fit into yewi(lil sis)'s clothes, my mama's shoes, and almost all of lini(big sis)'s stuff.my first MAJORRRR popstar infatuation was on this guy from a mega famous(at that time) chinese boyband.(not telling which.actually.NEVER tellin.EVER.)i hate orange juice and seafood, but i love lemonade.i am allergic to panadol.there's this bone on my arm that i think looks WEIRD,but nobody seems to agree.i don't like stuffed toys. really. even as a kid, the only thing i played with was my blankie(blanket).i don't like hair, if it's not on a body.i wear 95% of the accessories people to me only once.my favourite cartoon couple is pebbles and bambam, the kid couple from flintstones.the 2 types of dance i most wanna take up now would be the tango and belly dancing.HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANNA! my superest superest bestest bestest bestfren!(17TH OCT)
my goodness!finally,your sweet sixteen has come!haha.CONGRATULATIONS!now you have OFFICIALLY graduated from PG13 movies to NC16 movies!ERMM.haha!
ANYWAY babes.
we've been the bestest of friends for about 4 years now, since we were in Primary 6.i still rmb pre-bestfren days when we hated each others guts. (sth abt chinese marks and pe.hahaha!) and then we got acquainted thru those daily badminton sessions during recess. and i STILL rmb us laughin at janice d's "bulldozing" and someone's lesbian crush on you.haha!and it was in Primary 6 when we formed our lil clique of six and did almost everything together.damnn we were so notorious.and i was a PREFECT,can you believe that?hahaha!and i still rmb sneaking off during dunno-who's period and sneaking(no,not a keg) a gossip session.and man, we were petrified when we thought a teacher was gonna bust us(just the cleaner lady).hahaha!and i cringe when i think about this but we were such FASHION DISASTERS.i swear.argh..
but over the years, after our horrific quarrels and fights and whatnot, we have emerged
victorious *sound effect*!haha.mind you our disputes were,damn jialat.damn.lik REALBAD.we could be huggin one minute but screaming at each other the next, smilin one moment but walkin away at the next.really, our friendship brings out the worst and best of us both eh?=)
now.lookin at you, gives me some sorta maternal pride.lik "oh we've grown up" kinda.haha.ok.that sounds weird.
if i had to choose three things to thank you for,it'd be:
1) THANKYOU for all the sleepovers and makeup experiments and clothes trying and latenight talks.you're the one of the best listeners anyone could ever ever ever have!from crush gushing to people bitching,you rock man.
2) THANKYOU for being one of the coolest shoppin partners i could have.you'd scour the streets with me for 8hours straight and go back to the very first shop we went to to get my racer without a single word of complaint.OHMYGOD.i LOVE you!
3) THANKYOU for puttin up with my nonsense. really. that i'm really really grateful for cos i know I absolutely would NOT have been able to withstand myself . i was a major major insecure demandin basketcase in the past and you actually got me outta it. haha. anyone who could put up with THAT, seriously loves me. AWWW. haha.
i love you babes.damn i really do.haha.and even when im away in melb,you better better better rmb our SPECIAL dates ok?and also our cake shop date!oooohhh yeaaa!hahaha!
darling.our friendship ain't only gonna be for this 4 years. it's gonna be 4ever!haha. ee. corny.haha.yea.
even when we're old and grey one day, we're gonna still meet up in our funky auntie dresses for walks in the park and we're gonna tell our grandchildren all the stupid things we did when we were 15.and how we shared apartments when we were 22 and how fun each our weddings were.yea?hahaha!
i love you bestfren.
oh.and just to be random:thankyou xav for pickin me up from my house and bringin me to the doctor and sending me home and treatin me to haagen dazz. feel so loved.=) hahahathankyou timo for that laugh just before bedtime.
and will, if you're reading this, i swear, i'm gonna trash you at checkers next time!hmph.with that,
goodnite world.=)
yeni posted at 11:58 PM â¢
Sunday, October 15, 2006
i bought:
black sash belt
clean and clear
facial washclean and clear
facial wipesherbal essences
fruit fusion shampoo
a cute matchgirl-like reddish-cream
dressa black necklace
a pair of pointed
white flatsa black
envelope clutch
a revlon's
blush palette
some brandless
lipstickand i fixed:
black stilettos.for
FOUR freaking bucks!
is that
DIRT CHEAP or what.
less than 21days to "photo day".i feel HELL FAT.god save the world.Oo i need a dress.this is for darling nat:LIFE IS A PLAY,FILLED WITH SCENES OF ALL SORTS.SOME SAD,SOME HAPPY.BUT GUESS WHAT'S THE BEST PART?YOU'RE THE DIRECTOR.cheer up sweetheart.some people are simply not worth it.i want my old nat back!
so start smiling like you're flying without wings and stop worrying me babe.=Dgood luck for tmr and get well soon!i love you!
yeni posted at 8:12 PM â¢
Thursday, October 12, 2006
today was a very
different day.
anna and i went to westmall to do our CIP.it's kinda weird cos we're actually given some pins to sell in aid of the breast cancer foundation and we din really have to go to the public to sell em',but we did cos we weren't willing to spend $40 on those damn pins.besides,CIP is supp to be
MEANINGFUL and if were to jus buy em' all lik this,what would we write for our CIP reflections??hehheh.okok.thats NOT the point.so ANYWAY.it was really damnnn demoralising cos most of the people either
1)make a detour when they see you approaching and avoid eye-contact at
all costs
2) shake their heads and look down before you open your mouth
3)listen patiently and THEN shake their heads
4)say they have not enough money for themselves already (the pin is $2 each)
5)or this one best "i won't have breast cancer cos my boobs are too small.ask that one" and she points to another well-endowed woman.
well.most of em' anyway.its lik,i paste this huge salesperson smile and adopt this chirpy tone and recite the benefits of gettin the pin and blahblahblah,and they jus shun me lik plague.lik,
*@#$7$^!jo0&4%#b8aF@*!!!and there was this once,anna was trying to sell the pin to this guy and he was "rushing"(thats what they all say) and walkin real fast.so she was saying "would you lik to buy a pin to support the breast" and she stopped cos he walked super fast.and after lik 2 seconds he registered, turned back and shot anna this appalled look and stalked off.HAHA!
oh yea,and for those who hasn't sold their pins..this is what anna and i have observed so far from the more kind-hearted souls from bukit batok.the ones who usually buys are :
1)the malay/indian ladies
2)the caucasian ladies (one lady bought TWO before i even finished my "speech")
3)the shy primary school kids who look down once they hear the word "breasts"
4)the JC students
oh.and there was this lady who REJECTED me.and her lil kid bumped into me.and since he's so small and beneath my line of vision,given my height*ahem,i accidentally lightly stepped on his slippers.i hastily stepped back and apologised profusely.i expected the boy to lik cry,or smile impishly or sth.but guess what he said..
"AYYYY!YOU..YOU..STEPPED ON MY SHOE!!!!!!!"and his mother went "aiyo.she said sorry already".but he was still glaring at me and pointing his tiny finger."BUT BUT...SHE STEPPED ON MYYYYY SHOEEEEE!".and he was STILL glaring.even till his mother grabbed his hand and pulled him across the road, his finger was still in and air, his glare still on me.lik whhat on earth.
oh yea.and we caught the movie
STAY ALIVE.not bad actually.the plot was decent though it wasn't really what i'd call a hair-raising experience.but i feel that it was worth my money.haha.OOOH yea.i'm going SHOPPING tmr.S-H-O-P-P-I-N-G i say!haha.i finally feel lik i have my life back.it feels soooo gooood to wake up knowing you have one whole day of "i" quality time and that you can do absolutely ANYTHING IN THE WORLD with NOTHING IN THE WORLD TO ATTEND TO.haha.i promise, i'm gonna have some "i" alone time come the holidays.i ALWAYS ALWAYS go out too much and plan tooooo many things and activites.so come this holiday,i'm gonna enjoy some "i alone" time and spend time with myself.i am aware that i sound absolutely kookoo but heck.i dun give a damn.hahaha.
oh.and i've out together my shoppin list now.i have altogether 25items that i need.ok FINE,25items that i WANT.better?hahaha.and im gonna email all my darlings so that WHEN,not IF,you wanna get me a gift
just because then you can refer.hahaha.oh,and for xmas too.=)hahaha.
so tmr.im gonna buy either a pair of shoes OR a bag OR a pair of earrings OR a necklace to reward myself for enduring and dreadful EOYs.hell yeah,
yeni posted at 11:03 PM â¢
Tuesday, October 10, 2006

haha.i was APPALLED to see that on my blog.seriously.it's as though i am praising myself.the thing is,nads my galfren,she has my username and password cos she made this BEE-YOOOO-TIFUL new layout for me.so she HACKED into my account to publish her masterpiece,BUT forgot to leave her name. ... haha.the nerve!but really.the cartoon thingie is sooo cute.haha.NADS THE GENIUS DID IT ALL BY HER GENIUS SELF FOR MEEEE!and it even has my NAME on it.coolio pr what!haha.so sweet right?and BTW,she painstakingly added pixel by pixel,started from scratch man.she's MAD.maddeningly sweet and SMART and pixie-fy-ingly(no such word)-adorable!haha.go get her all you single men out there.hahahaha!okok.ANYWAY.but thx sweetheart.i really appreciate it.i love you.and YOU KNOW IT nadsy darling!=) muah.(sounds hell mushy.but ahh.you love it.so what the hell.haha)
yeni posted at 10:06 PM â¢
English paper 1: i had
INSPIRATION!so it was gooood.
Social Studies: it was okay.better than i expected.
Higher Chinese 1: it was good.i wasn't stuck which in itself is already a miracle.hehheh.
Geography Elective: not too bad.thank god for marianne chong eh steph?haha.
English Paper 2: pfft,english will always be english.but i thought it was easier than the ones mrs leong usually gives us.
Chemistry: seriously if you ask me,it was an
optical illusion.the same goes for our chem grades.haha.
Emath Paper 1: it was gooood.
Biology:quite bad.thou shall not go into hysterics and start bawling about that DAMNNN fat qn.thou shallst NOT.*cue grimace.
Emath Paper 2: stupid stupid stupid yeni.whyyyy oh WHYYY DID I MISS THAT LAMEASS QUESTION!
Amath Paper 1: wasn't too bad.better than i expected.which is,pretty unbelievable.haha.
Literature: A1 oh A1, where for art thou A1..
Amath Paper 2: it was o k a y.
now there is only
chinese paper 2 left.soooo,freedom is but a paper away!haha.
i still cant believe exams are virtually over.as in,it still seems rather surreal.then again,think im jus being strange.haha.
and pardon me while i whine..
i HATE my new neighbours already.R E A L L Y.and they haven't even shifted in yet.HA!on the 02 Oct (first day of my exams), these massive trucks started reversing into my neighbours porch.On the trucks were mountains of sand, numerous tanks of wet cement and legions, i repeat,
LEGIONS of equipment that make helluva lotta noise.so these construction workers started pounding, hammering, drilling, knocking and basically making an unbearable racket.i could literally feel the floors vibrating.argh.and can you believe this?the noise woke me up on SATURDAY MORNING at 8:30AM.
those who know me,you'd know this is mission impossible.haha.and to top it all up, they even take to leering/grinning/ogling into MY room/house.arg.so now i've gotta keep my curtains closed 24/7.myeh!so anyway.there they go now,still at it.sometimes,i really feel lik opening my toolbox(ok,my dad's) and tossing the hammer at them to shut em' up.pfft! oh yea.and yewi(my Primary 6 sister) has this GRAND PLAN of gettin back at the neighbours when they shift in.SHE PLANS TO RENOVATE THE HOUSE WHEN PHOEBE(neighbour's daughter) IS PRIMARY 6 AND TAKING HER PSLE AS WELL.ooh i forgot to add.Phoebe is 2-years-old this year.
so anyway.
while you may not be the bestest brother in the world(i still rmb the times you used to try WWE moves on me.oh and the times when you make fun of my arms and calves just cos yours are
muscular), but i still love you
.really.haha.damn joey,you're all grown up now.gone are the days of competing tooth and nail over who's taller.now you're a towering 1.70m while im stuck at measly 1.59m.
now now,don't you start laughing.haha.now you're the (self-proclaimed) strongest guy of the level, rugby vice captain(go get him gals) and my mum thinks you bear resemblance to hunkydory tay ping hui(yea rightt!).haha.i know it sounds weird, but really,im pretty proud of you.=) and to prove it,im giving you a new
HAIRCUT!fully sponsored by
yours truly.so look forward to welcoming the (even more?) hunkydory joseph siew!=D ooh yeah baby!
so anyway.now joey's in town.yewi's in town.and im stuck at home.
how tragic.HA!but just you wait.watch me gear up into action on friday as i indulge in serious retail therapy.
it is time to hit the stores babyyyy!=)
yeni posted at 2:07 PM â¢